Thursday, December 6, 2007 - 1:11 PM EST
Taurus Investment makes N.Y. foray
Boston Business Journal
Taurus Investment Holdings LLC closed on its first New York acquisition, purchasing the former Standish Arms Hotel property for $50 million.
The Boston-based real estate investment firm acquired the Brooklyn property with the intention of converting the 74,000-square-foot building into high-end luxury rentals. Located at 169 Columbus Heights, the 12-story building has views of lower Manhattan, New York harbor and the Brooklyn Bridge.
Financing for the acquisition was provided by Commerce Bank.
Taurus was founded in 1976, in Munich, Germany. In 1979, the company initiated business operations in the United States and today has more than 16 operating subsidiaries. Taurus owns more than 10 million square feet of property worldwide.
Standish Arms Sold by WTS, 5 other buildings on the market
by blondie 49 Replies latest jw friends
As I have said many times and I am even prepared to put money on it this time - the WTS will move all operations out of Brooklyn within the next few years. All will move upstate New York.
I have said that too several times but it is a money issue not a terrorist issue. NYC is too expensive and inconvenient. I do wonder how many more Bethelites will be in the local congregations. At least one third of each congregation were Bethelites. Some traveled as far as 50 miles one way. Bethel dominates those congregations with a primary, secondary, and tertiary elder for each elder position (5). But the local elders get stuck with taking care of the property and local needs of the publishers since Bethel work comes first and most Bethelites live an average of 30 miles away. I can see the bad feelings still.
Lorenz Reibling, Chairman and Senior Partner at Taurus, has been mentioned on JWD before.
He may have financed "Knocking?" Jourles posted about it here:
~Sue -
Amber Rose
Does it seem to be more than just a coincidence that Taurus Investment Holdings LLC invested in the "Knocking" film and purchased Watchtower real estate. It seems weird to me.
I'm finding out that nothing is coincidental in connection with the WTS.
I agree with lldh it's an inside job.They are selling to Brothers who will in turn will sell for a profit and donate to Mother Corp.Or it is a take over by some insiders.Kick out the old folks save money like any big Corporation.They are good business savvy people.
If they're using a "front" organization of brothers to make it look like they don't own it anymore, it wouldn't be the first time. Remember Cohi Associates? (Dick Wallace, et al) They had this phony organization composed of brothers BUY property in the 70's when they didn't want the neighbors to think the WT was the buyer, to avoid public opposition. Then Cohi would quietly turn the property over to the WT after the deed was done.
Meeting Junkie No More
Is it just me or is their comment “The buyer has not authorized us to release that information” odd?
especially since this would be a matter of public record in any event. You guys are the greatest though, because in a matter of hours, the answer is plain for all to see, including the wonder they chose to EVADE the question...
Curious and curiouser....
Never a dull moment on this forum!
The earth is becoming a paradise, and it is starting with Brooklyn!