Be prepared for new hyperlinks showing debt bubbles, derivative fiascos and gold advertisements.
exactly. where is our friend in hiding today? YK.....come out come out wherever you are!! lol.
by ChuckD 23 Replies latest jw friends
Be prepared for new hyperlinks showing debt bubbles, derivative fiascos and gold advertisements.
exactly. where is our friend in hiding today? YK.....come out come out wherever you are!! lol.
Well, looks like YouBlow can't eat our apostate shorts! That WAS the bet, wasn't it?
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
—Edmund Burke
Well, our resident sooth-sayer YK has once again missed the mark, as October ends and the world spins on. But then again, as was the case in 1914, the world MAY have come crashing down but I failed to notice.
It is quite evident that you have obviously, by your own wish according to the prophecy, failed to take note of numerous and profound events transpiring. That is of course not surprising. There are no doubt many realities that have escaped your notice according to your preference. Be that as it may, your lack of cognition is hardly what determines reality. And, while, the global financial system has not yet come completely unraveled, as many are anticipating, even as it was in fact designed to at some point disintergrate, it is obvious that the world is not the same as it was two months ago. Indeed, immediate history has already been divided into pre and post 9-11 periods.
The fact of the matter is that the economy was in a steep downward spiral going into the 3rd quarter. The so-called terrorist event on the 11th, as well as subsequent and ongoing anthrax incidents, have provided the pretext for emegency measures that would have been politically impossible in the pre-11th world. Under the national emegency massive government and central bank cash infusions and bailouts have seemingly headed off financial panic in the short term. The government, media, and business have gone to great lengths to persuade Americans to go about their normal lives, which means of course, to keep spending and racking up debt on their credit cards---otherwise the jig is up. / You Know
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You Know,
Its Nov 1st......I don't want to listen to your a up!
minds are like parachutes--they only function when open.
so, you are admitting that we are not in the financial panic crisis you called for??
Under the national emegency massive government and central bank cash infusions and bailouts have seemingly headed off financial panic in the short term.
in other words, there is no short term financial panic, correct? exactly, there isnt. there may be at some point, but the fact is that your wager itself was short term, and as you said when you made the bet, the odds were on our side.
I will wager 100 bucks, that before the end of the month of October that the present financial system will be in a full-blown panic crisis; and, if not in a crash-down mode, then certainly in a state of war.
the and after the semi-colon means that in order for you to claim victory on your wager, that both parameters must come to pass. the first parameter was that the financial system would be in a full-blown panic crisis by the end of october. we are at the end of october, and by your own admission, the panic has been headed off short term. so, unless there was a clause in your wager that stated, "the wager is null and void if massive government and central bank cash infusions and bailouts happen to head off the financial panic" obviously owe the board 100 dollars. thank you in advance for your contribution.
Dear readers, you know who is your false prophet. I shall step up to the plate of prophecy and bat a few out of the ball park!
I'd like to take this opportunity to remind all my friends of my ABSOLUTELY ACCURATE PREDICTION that the WTS "special meeting" would be, not the grand revelation that many expected, but a corporate "baloney banquet."
No applause, please, no applause!
I am now prepared to utter my three next stunning predictions, and I am absolutely convinced that they too will come to pass.
"Hear me, oh you people! May you have peace!
1. Sometime soon something will happen that was previously "impossible."
To those of medieval mindset, it will seem supernaturally and metaphysically magical, while in reality it will be due to technological progress. All human progress since the dawn of history has been the result of man's labor and man's thinking - nothing of value has ever materialized from an imaginary invisible world.
2. Billions now living will be alive next November.
The world will not end as a result of the intervention of an imaginary entity. Whatever disasters befall the inhabitants of earth will be the result of man's thinking and man's action or unreasoning, undirected, unintelligent forces of nature.
3. KISS will consider another FAREWELL tour.
You may mock me, infidels and unbelievers, but your mockery will turn to wails of astonishment and shocked disbelief when these things come to pass as prophesied here!"
Nathan Natas, "tick tock, tick tock" class.
Don't let the name scare you, boy.
YK's words before Nov. 1: panic, crash, belly up. YK's words on Nov. 1: things have changed.
It is tough to be a prophet. Downward trends turn out not to be a linear trend to disaster, but part of a cycle where things level off and improve. Then, on top of that you have these pesky governments and banks who figure out ways to improve things. These busy body groups sure can put a crimp in the prophesying business. Sigh.. Oh well, maybe we can look forward with happy anticipation to a disaster next October.
I make a prediction that jehovah's witnesses will continue to point to wars as a sign of the end and will continue to point to declarations of peace as a sign of the end.
That way they can say it's near the end for the next 100 years, during which time, a new world order of peace WILL ensue, man will start to inhabit the moon and mars, there will be no more famine as developing countries become rich, the average working week will go below 20 hours, every household will have robots, brain compatible SIMM cards will be used for education and recreation, cleaner and re-useable fuels will proliferate and religions will completely loose their grip on the masses as has been happening allready.
t is quite evident that you have obviously, by your own wish according to the prophecy, failed to take note of numerous and profound events transpiring.
We've noticed. But what has NOT occurred are the "profound events" YOU predicted by the end of October. No matter how many other profound events occurred, the specific bet you made lost.
No matter how many other profound events occurred, the specific bet you made lost.