How many Australians do we have here?
by jefferywhat 19 Replies latest jw friends
I can think of six or seven, but I have no idea of how many actually hail from the Land Down Under.
Way too many. "Put another shrimp on the barbeee" Spawn of convicts! Funny talkers! Ugly hat wearers! Kangaroo buggerers! Fosters Lager drinkers! Boomerang throwers!
I love 'em.
2. I'm from South Australia. Hi, jefferywhat!!
Fosters Lager drinkers!
Don't touch that stuff. We just make it so the rest of the world won't touch our good beer! -
I have two aussie friends, they drink XXX is that good or bad? Never tried it yet.
It's not a bad brew, very popular up here in the 'top end' of Oz.
me - from sydney. There are quite a few, probably 30 or so, but not all post very often.
they drink XXX
Sweetstuff what is on your mind? It's XXXX (as in four-ex beer) not triple X as in porn.
It's not a bad brew, very popular up here in the 'top end' of Oz.
I'll have to check it out then. They are both in the bottom end of Oz. SA and VIC. LOL
The Fosters consumed in the US up until recently came from Canada (MolsonCoors).
Now it is produced by Miller in Texas and Georgia.
And it's crap, no matter where it comes from. LOL!
Is Southwark Old Stout any good?
It looks nice. 7.4% ABV.