I really like randy. Thank you so much for ever...ything!
love michelle
by onacruse 31 Replies latest jw friends
I really like randy. Thank you so much for ever...ything!
love michelle
Same here.
Freeminds was the first website I looked at back in 1997. It opened up my eyes to the Watchtower.
Ever since, when anyone has asked about information on JW's I always direct them to Freeminds as the first place to look.
Long may he continue.
cheers, good health to Randy.
Thank you Randy! For everything! One hell of a classy guy.
For those who may know of Randy's health issues over the years (and Randy, please forgive me if I'm speaking out of place here)...he's doing pretty darn good, for a man as old as he is (my age LOL).
Now, if he can just get cleared out from all the Malibu firestorm ashes and smoke!
wow, thanks folks! I just found this thread today, about month later!
Life is good. My stress-reducing pages:
Randy's Anti-Stress Remedies
(turn on music if you like)
As fears of terrorist attacks, nuclear bombs, financial collapse and global warming overtake us, I have a few things for you that have helped me along the way. Are you afraid of being disfellowshipped or losing family members to the Watchtower? Afraid of divorce or child custody issues? Just plain down and out? Sit a spell and take the time to browse some things. Take a couple of deep breaths and hold them and count to 10 and slowly let out your breath to start. Feel more relaxed already? Let's try some more suggestions! |
1. Visit the ocean in Manhattan Beach, Calif.
2. Have fun with Randall and friends 1 2 3 4
3. Watch some pretty weird videos in Real Video (free player) requires fast connection:
Randall's Secret Cult In Port Douglas(Oz)
Governing Body adventures: Beginnings of A Cult Leader
Now On the Governing Body
Help From Below
Randall Runs the Watchtower NEW
Randy's Gang Building a health-food sandwich (Dave Sangiamo)
Wimp on the Barbie with the late Jan Groenveld
Apostates Discover Australia
Dogz and Jerry Falwell
4. If you can stand thinking about the Watchtower, you can:
a. read
...if you want to see the Bethel underground graffiti at its peak in 1979 by the nephew of Watchtower fame's Colin Quakenbush, one time editor of the Awake! magazine. b. read Randy's political cartoons from inside Bethel in 1979 when he was a secret apostate: |
witch hunt part I: the Bible Becomes "Suspicious"
witch hunt part II: Inquisition
5. Read the gut-funny Armageddon Okies by Gary Busselman:
I thank God he has blessed me with such a wonderful view for 27 years:
Randy's Antistress Remedies
Visit the ocean in Manhattan Beach, Calif.
on Real Player (free download)
Starts out looking at Malibu and Santa Monica (fires area) then pans around to surfers in El Porto and then Palos Verdes peninsula, with the final 10 seconds showing my diving fave (Catalina Islands, misty). I moved here right after leaving Bethel.
Before I had the Internet at home, I was in the process of totally losing my faith in the WTS, and I would go to the library and type "Jehovah's Witnesses" in the search engine.
That led me to Randy and Freeminds. His site, and DocBob's, were the key to my leaving. What a relief it was to know that I wasn't the only one who thought so much of the WTS's teachings and actions were ridiculous. They showed me that my doubts were not the result of my own pride and arrogance, like the WTS would have me believe, but the result of careful and objective THINKING.
I also knew a lot of the people Randy wrote about at Bethel, and I knew his stories had the total ring of truth to them.
Randy, you and I have taken different paths since leaving Watchtowerdom, but I have huge respect for you, and a deep appreciation for what you've done.
Thank you, bro!
What more left to say - but I feel obliged to add my 0.02 as *another* poster who found the truth about the truth from Randy's pages.
S4 - I heard that ring of truth also - loud loud loud.
If anybody is in the Manhattan Beach area on Monday night I'm going to express my appreciation to Randy in person - PM me for the details.
Randy - you are an Apostaceleb :-)
Doggone it; I can't help but pile on myself... I realized the WTS wasn't what I'd always believed on September 15, 2004. But in July and August of that year, I was really reading his site. While I didn't accept all of his perspectives, I did appreciate the history and discussion. AND...the recounting of his early realization that the WTS had become a bunch of "Judaizers." (Read "legalistic" and "authoritarian" entity.) Somehow it struck me how absolutely true that was. I called him up, he answered, and I just sputtered...
"Hi, Randy. Um... I just wanted to thank you. Just thank you... y'know. That's all I can say right now...just thank you..."
His reply? "Okay..." (click)
LOL! I can only imagine how many calls such as that he receives. Later I actually went to see him at his Manhattan Beach home, and spend an hour and a half or so, talking with him. He was the first "apostate" I ever met, and it was extremely helpful for me.
So, at the risk of repeating my former clumsy call to you, Randy. Um...thank you. Just...thank you. I mean...thank you!