It seems like almost every hall I went to had a mold problem. I couldn't even enter the last hall I attended without getting sick. I had to listen
in on the telephone. The hall was about the only place that made me sick. Most of the congregation seemed to think that there was something wrong with me
spiritually and most avoided me. I didn't even know all the elders. I was pretty regular in the field circus, but I had to call ahead and wait outside for
the group to let out, and then a lot of people I never met would just walk by me like I was an apostate. I felt like I was being shunned long before I disassociated
myself. Well, it's a group that can't take criticism, even if the "criticism" is just getting sick from their shoddily built kingdom halls.
I've thought about reporting some of these halls to the authorities as a health concern. My only concern is that this just might force them to remodel, thereby
further enriching the society at the expense of the poor dubs. Any thoughts?