Affectionate Men vs Macho Men

by Thinking of Leaving 49 Replies latest social relationships

  • R.Crusoe

    I have worked at a place full of socially respectable regarded women. And you would be amazed at which ones went to a ladies night with muscular long schlong male strippers and had them sat naked on their knee!! Imagine if respectable males had done similar and said it was a laugh? They passed it off as just a laugh and once you have seen one you've seen them all. It was their talking point and excitment for weeks! Tell me they would have paid and got all hot over a bunch of Mr nice guys with average/small weenies and average/overweight bods. It proves that females want a Mr reliable to be a lifelong slave (who then neglects himself due to over-responsibility) but when it comes to being hot in the sack they can't help themselves when guys they would never think of marrying become available for a secret fling. So Mr nice gets the boredom in the sack treatment plus they go ape-shit if Mr nice aint done the dishes when they get home.

    So the woman is brought up largely expecting males to do the fighting, bring home the bacon when kids are on the way, go to war to die when war is in the air, be an excellent role model to the children, share household chores, work for a better lifestyle, provide the 'magic' of little girl world she enjoyed or missed out on as a child and in some cases be forever grateful she lets you in the bedroom coz she can go out any time and find a male with a bigger schlong! All these attitudes mix up to intimidate the male into feeling inferior in his own wifes bed whether he bursts his gut getting there or not. So if the wife is off his wedding tackle it's no wonder males contemplate a hot night with a woman who may appreciate them despite having trouble believing it. A guy who feels like this has one cruel wifey who doesn't really care about her man!!.

    Many women display social excitement toward the real centre of attention hot male who won't take any crap from anyone and learns how to play a crowd coz so many have gathered round all his life he's gotten used to it. The fact that this is no indication of a Mr Nice is irrelevant - that guy is the one needed back home to do exactly as he's told by them when it suits. Society has conditioned women to expect this. It's the old two man trick. Get one man to do as he's told, and the naughty boy can be the secret pet store owner - full of pussy.

    So mothers - have you already pigeon holed your baby sons? Are you already bringing them up to be the next generation Mr walkover - work his butt off, or do you have the centre of attention individual whom you know is gonna get chased by the ladies? Life is so predictably genetic! Granted there are ways to accomplish other things but life is so predictably genetic. And you ladies seem to keep slaging off males and branding them prison material for going anywhere near your own pschologies!

  • cognizant dissident
    cognizant dissident

    Wow, R.C.

    You must have been hurt real bad by some woman to have such a poor view of the opposite sex! That was painful to read.

    One comment, though, about mother's and sons. Why do you assume it is the mothers who is influencing the way their sons act when they become men. From my limited experience, I see son's tending to follow in their father's footsteps, even when the father is absent. Sons learn how to be men from their fathers not from their mothers.

    I would say that when you see nice guys behaving in a responsible manner towards their families, chances are, their father's were the same. Nice guys do not finish last. There are plenty of nice guys in the world who are married to the nice women of the world and they are working hard and raising their families. Television is not the real world! People have to be somewhat extreme in looks, outlook and behaviour to even get on TV in the first place (ratings) and then viewers tend to judge their whole culture by what they see on TV as if the people they see there are the norm. Most people of this world are rather ordinary looking, have rather ordinary jobs, and ordinary families and they are doing their best to support and raise them. Of course, that doesn't make for interesting television, does it? Or discussion board rants?


  • JWdaughter

    Macho or sweet-if he doesn't think I am what he wants, when it all goes to hell, he isn't going to be protecting me. I want a guy that has a regard for me-who wants ME. My primal instinct? I want to be wanted and desired-even if I am not beautiful. I want a guy that can argue with me and not feel threatened-even if I am right. And who won't try to make me feel stupid when I am wrong. Someone who has fun with the kids. The good job and all that-some security figures into things-but more in the "is he going to watch out for us" way, rather than thinking I need to be rich. I am facing middle age with a guy who could be married to any female who parrots him and he'd be fine. Who thinks sex is necessary at least once a year for his prostate. And who doesn't understand that females want more out of it than a wet spot.

    So, an affectionate man-that would be cool. The thing is-mine isn't either. I am so totally gypped. The pissy thing is: no one forced me to marry him. No one to blame but me. I hate that!

  • frankiespeakin


    Yeah marriage, or permanent relationship aside,, don't you like a sorta macho take charge guy say just for a fling and maybe ride the wild stalion and see if you can tame him. And maybe you only do with him twice and never see him again.

  • JWdaughter

    The thing is Frankie--I've sworn off adultery. If I ever manage to break away through death or divorce or divine intervention of some sort. . .I want to have a character that is appealing to the kind of guy that I would want-you remember, the one that thought I was worth something. If I treat men like disposables, then thats the kind of guy I will find. If I want a keeper, I should be one, I guess.(Though so far that hasn't worked so well:) )

    I do believe in true love. Not perfect, easy or simple, but real love. My aunt and uncle haven't ever had enough money, their kids have given them grief, went through deaths, bankruptcy, all kinds of stuff. They are both fat, he has diabetes now-But he would walk through a snowstorm for her. I actually saw him fight off a mad horse that had just kicked my aunt and hurt her. My dad loved my mom enough to not give her grief about her crazy religion which she inflicted on the whole family in one way or the other. I want that kind of love.

    But yeah, some hot sex would be fun, but like I said, I'm not so good at it, so it would probably take more time than twice for any taming to happen.

  • FlyingHighNow

    Lately I have been seeing a man who is both manly and affectionate. Looks like Scott Bakula with curly, dark hair. Oh yeah, I am smiling.

  • JWdaughter

    FHN, I am smiling FOR you. I hope you are happy as you sound!!:)

  • FlyingHighNow

    JW Daughter, it's funny how life can go. I wasn't expecting this nice man to walk into my life, but he did and so far, so good. I'm not complaining.

  • Abandoned
    JW Daughter, it's funny how life can go. I wasn't expecting this nice man to walk into my life, but he did and so far, so good. I'm not complaining.

    Woohoo!!! Good for you FHN. He sounds like he really cares about you.

  • hillbilly

    studies abound ( i dont know how factual they are) that people still attract each other with some hardwired breeding instinct.

    Women with nice hips, ample bosoms and etc are good breeders... Strong, assertive males that can protect the nest and are viril enough to breed

    Maybe thats why so many "nice" girls end up with loud-mouthed abarasive (even abusive) husbands-boyfreinds.


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