Advocating Destruction of Religion Hate Speech?

by writetoknow 67 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • blueviceroy

    An action made to tear down .

    Discount a persons worth as an individual because of a belief.

    Treat with less than respect because of an imagined superiority , possession of the "truth", vehement rejection of conflicting opinion.

    That sounds like hate to me.

    Hate is different than dissenting.

  • SickofLies

    I do not believe hate speech is even illegal in the US, so why ask the question to begin with?

    Unless you are trying to imply something by asking the question itself, for example, have you quit you drug habit? Have you stopped cheating on your girlfriend?

    While not directly stating you have done these things the question is misleading because it implies that you have.

  • writetoknow

    My second post states the purpose and my third post states it again. So lets state it one more time do you think people that advocated the destruction of all religion are practicing hate speech? Or better put where is the line between hate speech and adding ideas to the discussion of advocating the destruction of all religion?

  • nvrgnbk

    I would never advocate the forceful destruction of religion.

    I do long for the day when all the non-existent deities are treated as such. To speak of gods and devils as metaphors and find lessons in ancient books is interesting and enlightening. But when literal-minded fools stubbornly cling to stories and will kill and hate for the fictional characters within, reason demands deicide.

  • Junction-Guy

    I dont believe in the concept of hate speech, just dont.

  • serotonin_wraith

    I hate religion.

    I don't hate the religious.

    It's like hating a disease but not the person infected, or hating the sin but not the sinner.

  • SickofLies

    My second post states the purpose and my third post states it again. So lets state it one more time do you think people that advocated the destruction of all religion are practicing hate speech? Or better put where is the line between hate speech and adding ideas to the discussion of advocating the destruction of all religion?

    Again, you are trying to imply a situation that does not exist. The question itself is misleading because no one that I am aware has called to violence towards religious people, buildings or groups which is the very definition of *hate* speech.

    You are trying to create a controversy that does not exist in reality.

  • writetoknow

    I don't know what world you live in unless your trying to defend people on this forum? I think you need to start reading you news paper and watching the history channel. I know it hard to admit that people hate in religion and when religion it not involved people still hate, but it is a fact of the human nature.

  • writetoknow

    So you are saying religion is a disease that has to be erraticated? What authority assumes the right to erracticate this disease and how do we know they are right?

  • serotonin_wraith
    So you are saying religion is a disease that has to be erraticated? What authority assumes the right to erracticate this disease and how do we know they are right?

    I think religion is a disease and I'll be glad if it goes.

    But I won't decide that, and neither will you. Humanity will. You'll keep on brainwashing kids and spreading the message of Jesus, I'll keep debating people and trying to get them to use their brains and a change may or may not happen. Just think of it being like the eradication of witchcraft. Most of humanity grew out of that archaic belief, all because people used their brains. This has nothing to do with force and I know you're desperate to make that link but it's not going to work. I'd never force you to stop worshipping your god, but I'd certainly like to change your mind, and I'm sure you'd like to get others to change their minds so they can be saved.

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