Take some one who has spent their entire life in a monastery. He has most likely never held a full time job, never had to handle a mortgage, never had the face the peak hour traffic or raise a family and indeed all his domestic needs are cared for. Out of many there suddenly our one is told he has this important message to deliver to the world.
His isolation means he has low education nor any specialist education. At times when he gives a talk he cant read some of the words before him and uses made-up words. But the big moment is upon him its his 'big moment in the sun' and so he puts on his best habit (suit) uses all the gestures and cliques all the approved expressions, locks in behind that microphone ( the wt have not discovered lapel mikes) and says ...nothing.
Its the genuflect, the gestures, the act of doing that is relevant .
I haven't heard this talk but it will be like all the other "special" ones down the years that saw families travel hundreds of miles, pay for their own accommodations, meals, perhaps pull time out of work to take it in.