I walked out of the "Oral Sex" instruction meeting today, anti witness!

by MinisterAmos 36 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • MinisterAmos

    Any of you ex-Dubs who are wondering why you left should read the study lesson today on Oral Sex.

    Let's also consider that the Borg considers it ESSENTIAL that the Brothers bring their young childer to all the meetings and make sure that they pay attention to the material. The material this week included a very detailed description of Oral Sex!

    Stupidly I didn't study the WT this week before the meeting and literally got blind-sided as these focking pervs started to explain about oral sex to my three year old daughter; I jumped up, asked two studies who had their children in the baby room (in front of their teacher) if they thought this was appropriate for their children, one left immediately with me, one unbaptized publisher left with me and one full Dubette walked out as well with their kids.

    I then held my own WT study in the parking lot asking them if someone truly "clean" (as discussed in the study) would ever speak about oral sex in front of children. I asked the Dubette what she would do if I (or any other person) went to her house and described oral sex in detail to her 4 y/o son? Would she consider me "good association"?

    The last paragraph of the study is masterfully written from a psychological standpoint as it points out that liberal Dubs are liberal because they are "weak" while those Dubs who are afraid of everything are "strong". Any Duib who wants to be considered "strong" now has to show a profound hate for anything; Liberalism is no longer tolerated. Whew!

    I am beginning to consider that the JWs truly are a dangerous cult.

  • Tatiana

    GOOD FOR YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • jwfacts

    "The last paragraph of the study is masterfully written from a psychological standpoint as it points out that liberal Dubs are liberal because they are "weak" while those Dubs who are afraid of everything are "strong". "

    Talk about confusing. We used to discuss this, and it was always that those with "weak" consciences were the ones that were easily stumbled. This seems to be an important backflip, and as you point out, it is becoming all the stronger in psychological mind control.

  • Hortensia

    my god! good for you! They really are perverts, aren't they? The GB, I mean, or maybe just the WT writers. Are you going back?

  • neverendingjourney

    A lot of witnesses have their heads so far up their rear ends that they begin to think that these subjects are appropriate in any and all occasions. An elder at my old hall sure felt that way. I was out in the door to door work with him once and the guy who answered the door mentioned that he had just gotten out of the hospital and that he had a kidney stone ailment. The elder then talked about his own battles with kidney stones and described in graphic detail what the stones did to his penis. I was extremely uncomfortable, but he didn't realize that this kind of conversation was inappropriate. On another occasion I took him along to one of my bible studies. The study was a guy in hid mid to late 20s. It was perhaps our third or fourth study. The student had a friend over and the P.O. guilted his friend into joining us for the study. It was clear to me that he was not comfortable with that at all, but he joined us anyway. We were studying the "What Does God Require" brochure and halfway through it, out of no where, the same elder abruptly began talking about masturbation and asking both of them uncomfortable questions about it. They were noticeably bothered by the discussion. That was the last time I ever studied with him. He never opened the door after that.

  • shell69

    Bravo, what a brave thing to do. Just walk out. Did any elders approach you after the meeting to ask why you had taken offense?

    Since we all know taking offense lies in the heart of the stupid one! LOL


  • MsMcDucket

    Neverendingjourney, I think that the elder was smarter than you think! He knew how not to make Witnesses or converts! Cool!!!

  • MsMcDucket

    Kudos to you too MinisterAmos!

  • Elsewhere

    There is that old saying: If you can control a person's sex life, you can control any other part of the person's life.

    It all comes down to control.

  • Priest73

    As a protest to the WT article, we should all take the time to blow (used for both genders) the ones we love... Just a thought.

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