New Peak!

by Moxy 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • ISP

    Hey that sort of growth is sure evidence of Gods blessing.


  • hawkaw

    Well ................... I took a few minutes away from my work life to read this entire thread.

    ......"regular pioneer hawkaw".....

    ..... Holding hawkaw back ...


    On a serious note I have noticed what appears to be an increase in new people and people quiting the WTS but I never did quantify it. I still can't get over the 36,000 plus hits on the two big UN threads started by MacH and me.

    Anyway I hope the message and investigation by all of us and our comments have helped a few find their freedom.


  • ozziepost

    Simon will need to build an anti-typical Patterson soon to cope with all the increase!

    Sorry I missed the meeting. Will I be classed as immature?


    "It's better to light a candle than to curse the darkness."

  • larc


    Now that you are enthused, you might consider sending Simon a Christmas gift through PayPal. He has a wife and two children to support and this board costs him money. Help our fine man out during the season of giving.

  • Prisca

    Bro larc,

    Perhaps you might consider bringing up the Paypal point up during the next Accounts Report part?

  • larc


    I don't get your drift. "Accounts report?". I have a general understanding of the costs involved here, but I do not know what you are getting at. Could you please clarify.

  • Prisca

    Don't worry larc, it just shows how long it's been since you were a JW.

    During the Service Meeting at the beginning of each month, the accounts of the congregation are read out ie. Monies that have come in, expenses, any future expenses that may come up etc. These are all read out to let the congregation know what is in the congregation kitty. The meeting part when this is done is called the Accounts Report.

  • individuals wife
    individuals wife

    Hey, hey, hey - we are up to 3,500 registered posters! Looking good!

  • ashitaka

    We are all sexy beasts.

  • _alf_

    I the reason for the october peak. Everyone is joining now I am a member. They cant get enough of my cute orangeness.

    Simon I have some furballs to send you. Your wife can use them to knit jumpers for your kids.

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