A JW's Reaction to the Colorado Church Shootings

by fattire5010 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • LoverOfTruth

    Perhaps I'm Mistaken but I seem to remember a Shooting in a Kingdom Hall a few years ago.

  • LoverOfTruth

    When I saw the news about the Killing in Colorado, All I could think of was how heartbreaking this is for the parents of these victims! Most were very young!

  • purplesofa

    *** g92 1/8 p. 9 We Survived a Murderer’s Bomb ***SUNDAY morning, July 21, 1985, promised a crisp, midwinter’s day as Jehovah’s Witnesses and friends began filling the Casula Kingdom Hall in a western suburb of Sydney, Australia. At 9:35 a.m., David Winder, the visiting speaker, began his discourse on Christian loyalty. Just a little after ten o’clock, we were looking down, following along in our Bibles as he was reading aloud John 6:68.

    He never finished the reading. An enormous blast from under the platform left him writhing on the ground, close to death. A friend of ours, Graham Wykes, a husband and a father, died instantly. Many others were hurt, some critically. Such unprovoked brutality in a place of worship shocked even a hardened world. As the news broke, Australians were glued in disbelief to their TVs and radios.

    *** yb95 p. 92 Cyprus ***The struggle against British rule in Cyprus continued until 1960. Then at midnight on August 16, Cyprus became a republic and eventually a member of the United Nations. Amid scenes of great rejoicing, Greek Cypriots at last felt free from foreign domination. But was this true freedom? How did Jehovah’s Witnesses fare under the new republic? Let the historical facts speak for themselves.

    Before the end of the year, there were two bomb attacks against the Witnesses. Who was responsible? The first took place in Xylophagou. Two bombs were placed on the veranda of the Kingdom Hall. The attack was obviously against Jehovah’s Witnesses as a religious group. Since the bombs exploded after midnight, no one was injured, although damage was done to the Kingdom Hall.

    *** w99 11/15 p. 29 What Can Be Done About Discouragement? ***Some years ago (1985), in Paris, France, a young Witness did not hesitate to grab hold of a suitcase containing a bomb that had been put outside the Kingdom Hall. He ran down several flights of stairs before throwing it into a fountain, where it exploded.

    *** w88 3/15 p. 17 par. 8 Serving as Jehovah’s Trusting Fellow Workers ***Thus, a few years ago an elder committed adultery with a spiritual sister who had an unbelieving husband. On the evening that the disfellowshipping of the former elder was announced, the infuriated husband strode into the Kingdom Hall with a shotgun and fired shots at the two guilty individuals. Neither of them was killed, but the next day this was front-page news in the largest newspaper in the United States!

  • stillconcerned

    Sad stuff....

    Amazing that those 'in' can't see any wrong/sin/difficulty in their own pasture.

  • wednesday

    There is something odd about this shooting, more than the usual The man had been a member of the facility . he entered and asked to spend the night and when refused he began to shoot people. He had been kicked out of it about 3 yrs ago . 12 hours later he showed up in a church and began to shoot again.

    I wonder what the real story is behind all this. Not much news about the man and what had happened prior to the shooting.

    I recall that incident Blondie posted. When reading it I can almost here the call for stoning of the two sinners, anything but the reproach they brought on Jehovah.

  • badboy


  • Tatiana

    Welcome fattire.....I just LOVE the Internet! Of course there's lots of garbage on it, but the truth does come out. Glad you're here. And love your avatar!!!

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