URGENT !!! Help needed !!!

by Little Bo Peep 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • Little Bo Peep
    Little Bo Peep

    I need a "good" copy, unmarked, of the "Keep on the Watch" brochure. Also, a copy of the KM with the announcement for Dec, Jan offers of the brochure, and if at all possible, a copy of the letter announcing the cancellation of that offer. Please, PM me ASAP if you can help. Can't tell you what's in the works at this time, but will update you if all goes as planned.

    Little Bo Peep

  • IT Support
  • Junction-Guy

    Sorry, I dont have these things, but I will bttt this thread.

  • Junction-Guy
  • AlphaOmega

    The brochure is on the link provide above.

    The November UK OKM is here (provide by Fokyc) http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/6/148325/2693515/post.ashx#2693515

    The letter would be good to see if anyone has it.

    I also have the same offer from the December OKM - i'll find it.

  • AlphaOmega
  • Little Bo Peep
    Little Bo Peep

    Thank you IT Suport and AlpahOmega for the information and scans. If anyone can get a copy to scan of the letter that was read regarding the cancellation of the "Keep on the Watch" offer, it'd be put to very good use. I'm helping someone else gather this information and will let you know if anything comes of it.


  • Bryan

    Okay, I guess I'm not seeing it. It looks like both the dec. and Jan. KM say the same thing about the tract. I thought they were supposed to change?


  • lawrence

    "Any 192 page book before 1991" - that should flush the OLD LIGHT out of the KH, beats burning the junk. Destroy all traces of error(s), let the householders decide whats old/new/obsolete/full of crap...

  • observador


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