My JW friend and I had a conversation.
It seems she received an anonymous letter from an "apostate" person. Explaining why they left the WTS.
Of course, this person must have left the JWs to pursue a deviate lifestyle. Since there weren't a bunch of sited Bible verses to substantiate her claims, my JW friend is trying to dismiss it all as a sour person who thinks they missed having a childhood, due to over-zealous JW parents who were supposedly "too strict".
She comented that had this person given good Biblical reasons as to why she left, and supported those reasons Biblically--THEN she might be more inclined to take the letter seriously.
Now, I know this is a bunch of BS. Just looking for reasons to NOT hear the blatant truth. But suppose you were in her situation. If there were one (or more) Biblical references that would have made you take a step back in awe, or if there were a teaching that the WTS practices that JUST smacks you in the face with the reality that "THIS IS NOT BIBLICAL", once you look back on it objectively, could you share it here?