Back in the day when I was active, telemarketing witlessing was for those who otherwise could not get out and about in regular field circus. Letter writing, too (I viewed it as a waste of time and money on postage and phone bills to have 99% of the letters end up in the trash or phone hang-ups). Then, when they made it part of regular field circus, I had already faded to the point where my idea of service was to take a bookbag and dress up, walk down a hill where there was barely a chance of finding anyone, walking back up, and calling that an hour of service (with zero placements).
And I never want to try it. For sure, I would not want to pay the long-distance bill. They would do that when it is starting to get late on the east coast, calling people in the Pacific time zone or Hawaii where it is still early evening or late afternoon. That is not how I want to be staying up until 2 in the morning and then having to get up at 4:40 in the morning to go out in street work at 5:30 in the morning.
After this and the pedophile scandal, coupled with the oral sex study article, I think I will stick with posting on this forum.