Just a few points before I forget them.
1. To add a bit of credibility to Gail's letter I scanned and "attached" the face of the envelope to page 2 of her letter. The handwriting on the envelope and her signature (yes, I know I blurred it for her protection) appear to my untrained eye to be the same. Please note -- you may have to hit your refresh button more than once in order to see the envelope.
2. More credibility -- another member of this forum telephoned Ms. Jackson earlier today and confirmed, as I understand it, the letter which all of you have now seen. The address and phone number of her clinic is a public record. You may choose to do the same.
3. As you all know, my question to her was simple, only relating to when that video was taken. I was too embarrassed to ask other questions that we'd all been speculating on within that earlier thread. Amazingly, she answered just about every one of those as well. My guess is that some reporter or clerk from my U.S. senator's office called her with similar questions and she decided to kill all birds with one stone -- thus, the letter I received. It may be a copy that she'd already prepared for others. I, of course, don't pretend to know that.
4. A point was made earlier in page 3 of this thread that (let me paraphrase here and I know you'll correct me if I've drawn the wrong conclusion) the WT, on their video page, has actually said nothing. It only quotes Ms. Jackson. She is to blame for its content. She said it.
I say this: Ms. Jackson, while saying what she said, did not place it on their site -- they did. They, alone, have that authority. By so doing, they subscribed to what she said, authenticated it, endorsed it, legitimized it, sanctioned it, validated it, and ratified it. If they'd been experts in the matter they would not have needed one who is external to their organization. By doing all that, they're telling their flock, Brothers and Sisters -- we're hanging our hat on what this person said about this matter and this is the current light on the matter. You may take it and illuminate your path with it.
Len Miller