Can You Be Satisfied Just Having Faith

by Undecided 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • Undecided

    I seem to be overwhelmed with not being satisfied with not knowing the answers to life and the universe. I can't seem to just accept some ancient writings of mankinds beginning. To have faith do you just ignore all questions that may be contrary to what you believe? When you see contridictions of religions do you just ignore it and think it's just man's misunderstandings of it's bible?

    I wonder what God thinks of his being alone for eternity and then creating a few creatures that turned out rebelious? Does he really know everything from beginning to end? To enjoy his existance, does he have to create things to play with like humans? He did say we were created in his image, didn't he?

    Are men and angels his first creation, if so what did he do for eternity before that? Am I going nutty in my old age? I just can't stop thinking about these things. Maybe I should try getting saved at church and see what effect it has on my life, well maybe not, my wife is saved and she worries more about things in this life than I do.

    Anyone have the answer? Well, maybe I shouldn't have asked that, so many religious nuts have posted about hearing God speak to them, knowing when the end is comming, etc.

    Ken P.

  • nvrgnbk

    The answer is that we're here, in this place, at this moment.

    We know that everyone ever born has in time died.

    The rest is conjecture, perhaps a way to seek comfort.

    I always appreciate your honesty, Undecided.

    For me, it is far better to grasp the Universe as it really is than to persist in delusion, however satisfying and reassuring. -

    Carl Sagan

    For small creatures such as we the vastness is bearable only through love. -

    Carl Sagan

  • Gopher

    As a wise person (certainly not me) posted on this forum a long while ago,

    I'd rather have questions I cannot answer than answers I cannot question.

    Ken, I think you'd be nuts if you DIDN'T have questions like the ones you're raising here.

  • Finally-Free
    Are men and angels his first creation, if so what did he do for eternity before that?

    Even as a JW I wondered about that for years. My ex thought he spent all that time planning his creative work. It didn't make sense to me that someone "all knowing" and "omnipotent" could spend an eternity planning his creation and still have it turn out so badly.


  • serotonin_wraith

    Every day humans are finding out more and more about the universe and Earth. Our knowledge is growing. Children in school now know more about these things than the greatest scientific minds did 500 years ago. Rather than hope to know everything now, another perspective would be to see how far we've come and be proud of that. The things we don't know yet are things to strive for. On the whole, we're all moving forwards, not backwards.

  • nvrgnbk
    The things we don't know yet are things to strive for.

    Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known. - Carl Sagan

  • Brother Apostate
    Brother Apostate

    I seem to be overwhelmed with not being satisfied with not knowing the answers to life and the universe.

    I would first suggest to you that you come to grips with the following:

    Because there are so few indisputable facts, most questions will never be answered by our (or someone else’s) opinions, conclusions, interpretations, etc.

    I can't seem to just accept some ancient writings of mankinds beginning.

    Why? Is it because of facts or opinions?

    To have faith do you just ignore all questions that may be contrary to what you believe?

    No. You research, and continue to update, your knowledge on all subjects, paying careful attention to indisputable facts versus opinions used to reach the conclusion(s). What you believe should be in harmony with the indisputable facts, as well as your own well-tested and well-reasoned opinions. In the end, there is very, very little that any of us know. Faith is based on belief, strengthened by observation, reasoning, and testing the validity of claims. Faith should be as highly regarded as all other human attributes, such as knowledge, reason, logic, etc.

    When you see contridictions of religions do you just ignore it and think it's just man's misunderstandings of it's bible?

    It appears that you are asking this within the confines of "Christianity" as you mention the Bible, I will answer within that context. As previously mentioned above, there are precious few facts in life. Very few scriptures in the Bible are concerned with salvation, the disagreements between branches/sects of Christianity derive from dogmatically attempting to enforce opinion over fact. For instance, all Christians accept as fact the redeeming power of Christ’s sacrifice, for this requires no interpretation, and is necessary for salvation, whereas whether hell is literal or figurative is an opinion, as both conclusions can be reached from scripture, yet how one answers that question that is unnecessary for salvation.

    I wonder what God thinks of his being alone for eternity and then creating a few creatures that turned out rebelious?

    The Bible assures us that he wishes all to gain salvation, and He has provided the remedy for man’s rebellious fallen state in the redeeming power of Christ’s sacrifice.

    Does he really know everything from beginning to end?

    Based on my understanding, He causes His purposes and prophecies to occur, rather than foreseeing all events. Other Christians would disagree with me, which is fine, as this is an opinion, not a fact, and is unnecessary for salvation.

    To enjoy his existance, does he have to create things to play with like humans? He did say we were created in his image, didn't he?

    God is love, and created His children in His image, not to play with, but out of love. He is our Father, and wishes us to enjoy life, and learning, forever.

    Are men and angels his first creation, if so what did he do for eternity before that?

    According to the Bible, spirit creatures were created first, then the physical world and its creatures. As for what He did before creation, who knows? We can hope to ask Him in person someday.

    Am I going nutty in my old age? I just can't stop thinking about these things. Maybe I should try getting saved at church and see what effect it has on my life, well maybe not, my wife is saved and she worries more about things in this life than I do.

    Thinking is good, but realize that most things in this life will never be known absolutely. I think many who were drawn to the JWs and some other sects because of their "answer to every question", black and white mentality, never escaped that type of thinking. In other words, it’s not only okay to say "I don’t know", but it’s the only honest answer to most of our questions. That doesn’t mean we can’t have strongly held opinions, as long as we recognize them as such.

    Anyone have the answer?

    An answer exists, but as discussed, we will never have all the answers, even in eternity we will continue learning. My answer is- focus on what is necessary for salvation, put that first, develop faith in that by living in accord with it, and your faith will grow. Study, research, test, and your faith will grow even more.

    Well, maybe I shouldn't have asked that, so many religious nuts have posted about hearing God speak to them, knowing when the end is comming, etc.

    God has not spoken to me verbally, yet He speaks to all of us through His creation and His word the Bible. Put faith in God, not men. The scriptures below shed light on those making such claims:

    By their fruits you will know who is Christian and who is not- "You will know them by their fruits. Grapes are not gathered from thorn bushes nor figs from thistles, are they?"- Matthew 7:16

    "Then if anyone says to you, 'Behold, here is the Christ,' or 'There He is,' do not believe him. For false Christs and false prophets will arise and will show great signs and wonders, so as to mislead, if possible, even the elect." -Matthew 24:23-24

    "But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father alone." - Matthew 24:36

    BA- If you develop faith in God, His Son, and His word, it will be a blessing to you.

    PS- "A man who ceases to believe in God does not believe in nothing; he believes in anything." - G.K. Chesterton

  • Undecided

    Well, I guess I should deal with what's needed right now, like raking leaves. I don't know how I'm going to deal with all those leaves. I can tell a difference each year with my age, I'm gradually fading out, but so far I'm doing fine. I just don't have the endurance I did a few years ago. I'm sweating now from raking a few piles and carrying them to the street. I guess I'll just wait and see on those other issues.

    Ken P.

  • feenx

    I agree completely, it is quite a healthy thing to question such things. I think the bottom line comes down to what your "faith" means to you. If you are searching for answers, that by very definition is not "faith." There are many, many religions that profess true "faith." But really what they provide is assumptions in the form of asnwers. Faith is a belief without proof. And without proof we are left with the knowledge we've gained from experiences in life, things that are tangible and not up for debate. Faith can also be applied to abilities, as in the ability of oneself to discern what is true and what is not. We may never know, as a fact, the true reality of things. That doesn't mean it's crazy to question things, but when those questions hold us back from better knowing ourselves and the divine (in whatever application you choose to label something as "divine") in each of us, than really it's not the lack of concrete answers but self doubt that holds each of us back.

  • Undecided


    Thanks for your answer to my questions. It has some good points. I just have trouble when reading the bible when I see many contridictions. I guess many of the statements are just principles rather than rules of life, like Christ sayin to give to anyone asking, even selling your house and everything you have and follow him. I can't follow someone I can't see or ever had a conversation with. He said many things that were purposely to confuse people like me so that I couldn't get the sense of it. He also said few are the ones finding the path to everlasting life. I feel he really didn't want to forgive sinners since he tried to hide the truth to the really bad ones. I'm not really bad in a moral way, but maybe I have sinned against the holy spirit and he has kicked me out for good.

    Ken P.

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