The CULT and Mind Control...Lurkers and active JWs welcome

by nomoreguilt 15 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • nomoreguilt

    First off, I make no claim to being an authority on cults or mind control. I do however have first hand experience of it by being a victim of it. How does the wts begin to excercise control over one's mind? Good question. Very slowly and extremely subtle. They cast doubts as to what you really believe to be the truth? The truth about what? Well, what has been ingrained in you since you were a child? God? The devil? Jesus? They ask a lot of rhetorical questions to stimulate your thinking. Casting doubts as to what you really think that you believe. Hey, we've all been there, we did all the leg work ourselves, didn't we? So, where does it go from here and what did it accomplish?

    Ask yourself this question, "Did I ever have an opinion to express on any subject with worldy associates other than a jw supported one"? If you were a true died in the wool dub, you didn't , did you!!Why not? Because you were told to listen to and believe ONLY what the wts told you to! I asked a friend while I was still a dub of what he thought about a certain subject that was in the current headlines. His response to me"I don't read the newspapers, I don't listen to the news, and I don't read anything other than what the wts provides me. I get all the news I need from the Borg." So, I asked him, just where he thought the borg got all of their INFORMATION?? The New York Times, Time mag, Newsweek, etc.

    After I had become very inactive, my good buddie of many years, now himself long faded out, were discussing this same issue. We had NO OPINION back then to express. We were brain dead! The wts has a very succesful program for killing an otherwise healthy brain in each and evey one of us. And you think this isn't a cult? What clothes do you wear? What do you read? What TV do you watch, movies, video games, the list goes on and on.

    Does this apply to you? If you've already realized this for yourself, BRAVO!!! If not, take it to heart. Examine the borg for yourself, and see what you find. Stick around the discussion forum awhile and form your own OPINION PLEASE!! Thank you

    no more guilt

  • Honesty

    I knew something was dreadfully wrong when we studied the August 15, 1993 Watchtower magazine article, "GO ON GROWING IN KNOWLEDGE" with all its references to permafrost.

    I was just so brainwashed that it took another 10 years before I realised how the cult really operates as it deceives its victims and twists Scripture inside out to support its screwed up doctrines.

  • seek2find

    You have a good point here. I have a little something to add. If any Lurking JW doesn't believe what you are saying, I have an experiment for them. Go to somewhere that sells art work, and purchase a Picture of Jesus done by a famous (Non-JW) artist and take it home and put it on the living room wall and see if you don't get a puzzled look the next time one of your JW friends come over. You don't have to say anything. Just the fact that you have a non JW art work Of your Lord and Savior on the wall will send a negative message to your friends. If you have the courage to do this experiment,You might not be as programed as some others are. Chance are tho, especially if you are a lifelong witness, you will be horrified at even the thought of having such an picture in your possession. The implications of cult mind control are very evident in the everyday life of the witnesses. Just my thoughts. seek2find

  • bobld

    Very good points I agree wholeheartly.You know the song that the WBTS condemn"Please release me and let me love again" They said it was about a married partner who loved someone else and wanted out of the marriage.Well I say "Please release me and let me get out of this god forsaken cult"



    I 'd been having misgivings for quite a while but after I did research on mind control last year, I realized the similarities between WTS and the Moonies. My daughter and husband say I'm making a big deal about this. If I am, it's only because I truly was a loyal JW.

    seek2find, the suggestion would not work. A loyal JW wouldn't purchase a painting of Jesus. They are so brainwashed, they would consider it wrong.

  • VoidEater

    seek2find: brilliant experiment. Indeed, having non-JW artwork in a home could start being a "secret sign" like a fish is supposed to have been.

    Part of the brilliance is that I don't think a portrait of Our Savior is specifically banned anywhere - but it is so clearly "wrong" in the culture that it would be unthinkable to have one! Hmm...I see another "what conscientious Christains would do" article coming up (maybe someone should send in a QFR).

  • seek2find

    Hey Child, Thanks for posting. You are correct that a faithful JW wouldn't purchase a painting. That was the whole point of my suggestion. To illustrate that there's something wrong with the thought process. Here's an alternative, the next time you and family are in a hospital or some other place where "worldly" paintings are hanging, perhaps you could find one that appeals to you and point it out to your wife or daughter and say something like I wonder if Jesus really looked like that. Just a suggestion. The more experience you get with controversy's like this the more you will start to see the mind control. seek2find

  • XOCO


    This is something that i've have been looking for i've been asking myself recently why dubs this and why dubs that. take 4 example,

    Ask yourself this question, "Did I ever have an opinion to express on any subject with worldly associates other than a jw supported one"?

    with the recent child abuse scandle in the news i've asked my mom and another fellow sister about the child abuse cover up and u know what their answer was

    "Oh, you can't believe everything that you hear" and "it only happens in the catholic church" or "these are false accusation/scandals"

    XOCO was blown away by this i mean if this happen in our own congo, every body's world would of been up side down by this. i'll admit at 1st i did not want to believe this too but i took the Jehovah witness challenge (u can see more of this on youtube). and i as a dubi my self i was told that not to get into/express yourself on subjects w/worldly ppl only express whats in the bible we are not allowed to give our personal opinion at the door when witnessing thus remaining neutral.

    just a side note: i don't know if everyone who were a former JW knows this but if u herd it then u know. if you read the Awake Asleep mag or Watchtower WAC Of Tower mags that u will have the equivalent of having a college education. within one or to years.

    Dr.Phill moment Lets Get Real Here Folks!!!!!!! i mean it all nice to read about little animals and different places around the world but it is nothing compared to as to how to critically think 4 myself and to look up facts to verify if it is true or false. i mean i'm in college now and my freshman year i've learned so much about NW southern bible belt part of FLA (at that time i was living by myself and the university i went to was in the bible belt of FLA) that i did not even knew about and i have bbecame culturally aware about anglo-american culture i know i could not learn that from my KM b/c were predominatly blk and very slightly european. i have aquired so muck knowledge in a semester about the world, current events, popculture, folk culture etc etc than i could ever could learn in any Awake or Watchtower mag. i actually got to experince life outside the borg at leat once in my life.

    ok i have written toooo much again but good topic no more gulit


  • reniaa

    You talk like JW's invent mind-control, what they do teach us is to question things i've been outside of Jw's for 11 years, here's a list of observations i find personally out of the JW's...

    1/ People live in the now and are very accepting of current living conditions, they blame others but do nothing.

    2/ people are very isolated from each other internet is the new social forum,

    3/ You are judged by Job or money as a single mum living in a council house i get judge as a leech of society.

    4/ I miss having friends from all age-groups! outside I find i'm encouraged to associate only with those of my type ie other single mums, I try to make friend from other groups but am always blown off, As with Jw's men are still a no-go for opposite reasons any interest on my part is always taken as sexual, I made friends with a 60+ year old man he was sweet and I liked him platonically only, in my niavity I didn't realise he read my honest friendship as more and i had to extract myself with great difficulty from that friendship so as not to hurt his feelings.

    5/ All conversations revolve around money and buying things or current woes, I miss deeper conversations of depth, hense why i get attracted to forums such as this one, debate is unheard of thing in my circles, complaints are common but not trying to understand things.

    The mindcontrol talked about on this forum is found in all beliefs structures I find, just question someone on evolution asking why none of the current scientist can agree eeek or try and question someone on why they celebrate christmas when its not jesus's birthday the best answer you will get is "Everyone does it so i should too" or "I do it for my kids" or question any other person on their religion and it's practises, lol JW's see it as a way to convert you so I was surprised when I asked other religious people on theirs they get very defensive and reluntant to talk on it it's like a taboo subject and thats even before i mention i'm an ex-JW at which point they run like the wind lol.

    Example of mind-control on a country-wide scale is how easy it was for our governments to persuade us to goto war in Iraq, Regret after the fact when the lies were revealed is pointless, At the time i can remember being almost attacked by questioning why we were sending our soldiers, as someone that was un-nationalistic and subversive.

  • reniaa

    Erm were do you get the painting crap from? as a hobby I do paintings on the side not to blow my own trumpet but i had two Jw's visit, (current ones i'm talking too about my thoughts on going back) and once they realised all the pictures in my home where my own work they where trying to get me to do some for them, I had to politely decline because my painting is very limited and for family only atm, but i had a couple of guranteed commisions there if i wanted lol

    I don't mind genuine Jw gripes like shunning, overt strictness, power issues etc but the painting thing is ridiculous and not one i ever came across unless it's obviously sexual stuff etc

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