Here is what I noticed from the WT propaganda session. God knows what you "need" and he will give you that.
The little girl who lost most of her family said, (paraphrase) "Jehovah is the best God! He always gives me what I need!" Evidently, she didn't need most of her family since Jeehoober didn't save any of them, except her brother. What a nice God!
Then the next paragraphs mention that Jeehoober gives us what we need to make sure we worship him. WOW!!! Hey, thanks Jeehoober!!! Thanks for the guilt about education! It made me avoid it, thus ensuring that I worship you! You are so great!! Can't wait for paradise earth!!
The entire session was anecdotes of dubious origins, mixed with propaganda and nonsensical ramblings of humans trying to explain why we die as God looks the other way.