Moderate Christians. How is it I love and despair of them at the same time?

by nicolaou 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • BurnTheShips

    Why would you despair of me Nicolau? My faith is harmless. I think it is helpful.

    I actually despair of you. Pascal's wager and all that. ;-)

    Can Christians and Atheists debate without resorting to verbal slanging matches?

    It's fun to debate. It sharpens the mind. And a sincere person can learn from the other side.

    As iron sharpens iron,
    so one man sharpens another.


  • BurnTheShips
    You mean like "hypocrites", "offspring of vipers" and "that fox Herod"?

    It isn't slinging mud when you're God. ;-)

  • nicolaou
    It's fun to debate. It sharpens the mind. And a sincere person can learn from the other side.

    On that we can agree!

    My faith is harmless. I think it is helpful.

    Sorry, but faith - religious faith - is clearly harmful. Not just to wider society but to the individual as well. There may be times, as during bereavement, when faith can provide comfort and hope, I do not dismiss that or belittle it. But during the normal course of life faith stifles curiosity and enquiry. Faith, as the Bible says, "believes all things". Well I'm sorry Burn but some things are simply unbelievable.

    I actually despair of you. Pascal's wager and all that. ;-)

    Pascal's Wager! That hokey piece of illogic? Okay Burn I tell you what. Post Pascal's wager here and let's discuss it robustly but reasonably and politely too. Let's see if it can be done.

  • BurnTheShips
    Sorry, but faith - religious faith - is clearly harmful. Not just to wider society but to the individual as well.

    Sorry but I disagree with that. If you want a robust explanation, I recommend "What's so great about Christianity" by Dinesh D'Souza.

  • nicolaou

    A shame that we couldn't discuss this between ourselves, expressing our own thought and sharing each others minds.

    Ah well.

  • BurnTheShips

    Don't despair Nicolau!

    I started a thread on the very subject! ;-)


  • Xena

    As long as you feel the need to "save" them then no you can't have just a dialog with them.

  • nicolaou

    Hi Xena! You married the most reasonable Christian I know. I miss the beardie old git round here, please pass my atheist, godless love onto him.

  • Xena

    well the most reasonable ex jw christian anyway. I shall pass on your ungodly man love to him.

  • lovelylil


    It was Jesus who called the Pharisees hypocrites and offspring of vipors. These where the religious leaders of the day, not the average person. And they recieved such strong condemnation because they claimed to represent God to the people but dealt with them in such a harsh and merciless way. That is why Jesus was so strong in dealing with them.

    Jesus never did this to those who were just not interested in his message.

    I believe we Christians today if modeling Jesus Christ, our exempler, should also keep a mild and kind spirit when dealing with non believers. But in dealing with those who claim to be Christians but prove they are false by their actions, they should get a severe tongue lashing and believe me, I have given one more than once. Like I said, I am much harder on my fellow believers than on non-believers.

    So you see, there is a difference in what Jesus did because of whom he was actually addressing. Hope this clears things up. Peace, Lilly

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