I posted a Myspace Blog about the latest brocure campaign that was dumped by the dubs. As a side note I ripped all my info off this board but didn't give credit just in case the campaign ends up going through. Anyways look at the comments and feel free to comment yourself.
Myspace Blog on JW's
by Burger Time 12 Replies latest jw friends
Now I know why they cancelled the program. The brochure has the statement that they (the Witlesses) are not like those religions (like the Catholic church) that harbor pedophiles. They were going to shamelessly go ahead and promote that, bashing the Catholic church, while carrying on doing the exact same thing. Then along came that damn NBC News report about the problem in the Witless organization. Now it would be too blatant that the Watchtower Society is outright lying about itself not being like the other religions, while in fact they are even worse.
I wonder how long it will be before they go ahead with the campaign anyway. They are stupid enough to go ahead, thinking that people in the world will let such problem exposures go out of date like the "old light" does among the Witlesses. Seems that the Catholic incidents have been around about two years, which makes it pretty entrenched that they have had the problem (they finally attempted to settle it and come out in the open). The Witlesses now have the disadvantage that, once one religion has the problem, people are going to see the fact against another and remember it longer once another has it. What this means is that people are going to remember it long after the Witlesses think they should have forgotten. Then they go ahead and place the litter-ature, with some people even having recorded the program.
Worse, they might just get a few of the tracts placed or even complete the campaign, only to have another embarrassment. This time, it could be another network evening news. Or, it could be on several at once. All it would take is, right after the litter-ature campaign is finished, if ABC, NBC, CBS, and Fox simulcast or have parallel broadcasts of the same or different incidents, and CNN has a major article about it alongside Time, AOL News, and Newsweek. People will be pxxxed at the Witlesses for being liars and doubt all their other litter-ature. The growth in the USA would hit zero (unless they force children to be baptized at birth and then expect them to pioneer).
Hopefully, this is going to cause people to see the Witlesses as liars and not in the truth. It may not have much impact on those inside, except that some will start thinking when they run into householders that explain the hypocrisy. But it will stop people from being interested, and make them think twice before accepting any litter-ature or giving them the proverbial "fair chance".
I went and read it. Commented too! Great job.
I read your comments. So true. And I noticed that one friend couldn't handle what you said. Well, maybe she's not ready to face it. Never underestimate the power of denial. I have a couple of family members that were elders and I considered them loving and trustworthy. Never heard anything contrary about them. My father, may he rest in peace, was great. Always accepted and encouraged me but I did realize he was special. I KNEW there were shady characters around. And I also realized, in my teens, that no one really wanted to talk about it. I feel that your comments were not too critical, just stated what most of us know to be true...
Burger Time
Yea I like how I tried to send a personal message to my friend and she refuses to reply. Her sister who supposedly out debated a atheist philosophy major is a dub and emailed my brother telling him I was apostate and she blocked me with out even trying to state her opinion. Priceless.
O.k. I read the blog. Very well written IMO. I didn't find it hateful or anything Apostate like in the way most Jw's think. I was really suprised at the friends comments though. I mean one thing has nothing to do with the other. I was also raised in a great family but that doesn't hide the fact that their are pedophiles in the organization and that they dealt with them much like other religions who they criticize deal with pedophiles. They hid the fact from the congregations and in some cases just privately reproved the individuals. I find it EXTREMELY hypocritical. If you've grown up as a JW you know how much the priests sexually abusing children was played up to show how onle we had the true religion. It's a huge isue. Anyways, sad to see how your friend cannot seperate the good people from the full of shit organization.. Sorry i couldn't comment on myspace. I closed my account. Hence the super long comment now. I'm venting here I guess..But I would of had an awesome comment for your blog..ha!!!
After dealing with a number of doubts I stepped down as an elder a couple of years ago, the disgraceful manner in which the child abuse issue is handled really sealed the deal for me. I finally decided to leave for good about six months ago.It's utterly amazing how anyone can say, "I've never heard of any cases, so I don't believe it".Such "reasoning" goes way beyond naivety and becomes a voluntary delusion.I remember in one particular case I was trying to get another elder to read a judicial letter in the congregation "case file" about a child molester still attending and the potential threat it presented.He walked away from me while laughing and saying, "I don't want to know....I don't want to know..." Sadly, such an attitude is far more common than one might suspect.
Burger Time
Yea I don't know why she got so offended by it. I have tried messaging her in private about it, and she refuses to answer me. I guess she has love like no other.
Cool myspace, Burgertime.
good work