In an earlier post larsguy said the bible wasn't written for the layperson, but only for serious scholars and followers of Christ. imagine the Bible is supposed to be a nice easy book without complexities to confound people, when in fact, if you actually read the Bible you'd know that is PRECISELY the case.The Bible is meant for Christ and his followers SPECIFICALLY and not for outsiders!
Didn't you read in scripture when the disciples asked Jesus why he spoke in parables that he told them that these secrets were for THEM and so that the outsiders, looking in vain, would not understand?
So how is it that you think that the Bible is supposed to be understood by nonbelievers at the level of Jesus' followers when he directly says that he deliberately spoke in riddles so that they WOULD NOT understand?
So your view that the Bible is an open book for the public to read in all simplicity isn't even according to the Bible itself. Instead, it is a book which purposely hides things.
So now I'm confused - how am I supposed to gain or attain faith in Christ or the Scriptures when I'm not even supposed to be able to understand it - it wasn't written for my benefit.
I'm not the kind of person who blindly believes what he's told without investigating it on my own. When I look at the bible I see a rambling and inconsistant litanny that only gets more confounding the deeper you look.
This is supposed to be the guide book to our existence and our relationship with God, and yet it is full of holes and mysteries - and according to larsguy, it's on purpose.
So my great quandry is how is anyone supposed to attain a faithful relationship with God when the guide He left for us isn't written for the general public? I'm not going to let someone else read it and tell me what it means, I want to know for myself, but in my pursuit all I ended up doing was chasing my tail trying to make sense of it.
If the bible is God's guide for mankind and it wasn't written for us, where does that leave us?
What do you think?