This essay is so far from accomplishing the task it sets out to accomplish....
But then again maybe not. It is clearly meant for the ears of doubting Christians.
There isn't a premise in the whole thing that will persuade an atheist to become a believer.
Why don't you give your rebuttal to the serious challenges against this "eloquent" essay instead of taking offense at eclipse's "offensive" comment.
You have posted a lot of cut and paste stuff that appears to impress YOU.
You fall for ear tickling. Get a book on logical fallacies and read it when you use the toilet.
(Toilet reading is very important)
Whats so great about Christianity
by BurnTheShips 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Sad emo
It is clearly meant for the ears of doubting Christians.
It didn't make much impression on me!
Burn, there really was nothing sophisticated or eloquent about it - it is merely an apologetic as to why the author thinks Christianity is so great - an entirely subjective opinion.
Whether the scriptures eclipse and I and others posted here were cut and pasted or not, the fact remains, they are in the bible. You can not argue that god does not test us humans when it has been in print for thousands of years. That he indeed does test us, and not only that, but he does so to remind us that we are merely animals in his eyes and the "testing" is meant to remind us of our place in the universe.
Erynw (of the in the mood to argue tonight class)
The bottom line for me is, I just don't believe it. I don't believe in the virgin birth or the resurrection, the two pillars of Christian belief. I can't imagine how I ever could.
Yes, I am a lonely, jaded, disillusioned, feelin'-down kinda guy a lot of the time. Sometimes I'm really really happy though, usually it's when i'm listening to a song I really like or when I'm having a laugh with family or friends. But I don't live with a strong sense of purpose and meaning. I would love to be calm and hopeful in spite of all the injustice and suffering in the world. I would love to not be afraid of death. But I don't see any reason to be hopeful that earthly accounts will be settled or to believe that there is some essence within me that will continue to live even when I am biologically dead.
If you are capable of believing without evidence that Jesus was born to a virgin and came back to life after being dead three days, then more power to you. I'm not saying that to be flip, I really do admire the true religious believers, the ones who understand the absurdity of it but still say, I believe, and mean it.