Things that go bump in the night still force me to get out of bed and check them out even though at 35 I know it's just the house rafters shifting, temperature changes etc...sometimes I wake up to see strange shapes in my room...switch on the light and it's my jacket. I think the Witnesses have conditioned me to believe in Demons on a sub-conscious level. I know they are not real...but I still check. It's embarrasing. Anyone else?
Even now I still suffer from Demon-phobia at night anyone else?? {Bump??}
by Witness 007 28 Replies latest jw experiences
Well, let me say that you don't have to feel embarrassed. And you might want to check. I have those mommy ears now and I always hear stuff my husband doesn't. But it has been a good thing because I woke him up to discover someone trying to break in once!
Had you asked two years ago - yes. Especially after watching movies like The Ring, The Curse etc.
Now? The "demons" have left me 100% alone since I stopped believing in them.
Of course - that's just them being smart and tricking me, since they've now got me where they want me, but... I'm OK with that.
Why r u afraid of demons? Have you had a real experience with them? If not, then according to JW's teaching if you are not doing anything that will "invite" them to your house, why should you believe that any noise you hear is created by demons? Get over it and sleep tight. There's nothing to worry about. Not that I don't believe they exist, but it takes a lot for them to just come to your house and bother you. Unless, you live in a house that's hunted. Just kidding. Don't be afraid.
What were you told about demons?
Had demons haunting me for over 2 years after I left. There are even some topics I made regarding that. It took me some time, some incense and some good vibes to get over it.
In short - give it time, your mind needs to heal from the brainwashing.
Sometimes things that go bump in the night can actually be a burglar. In that case, there is legitimate reason to be afraid, at least to some extent.
Much more common is thermal expansion at work. If it is cold outside, chances are that there is a temperature differential between the exterior and interior of the house. It wasn't that way when it was built. The result is surfaces slipping and sliding against each other from thermal expansion. And, since the inside is heated, the exterior contracts while the interior doesn't. Usually the amount of movement is on the order of millimeters and is harmless unless water gets into thermal cracks (which there should not be). Stones and bricks are more prone to thermal cracks unless they have expansion joints to allow for this thermal contraction.
While harmless, they can make noise. You are unlikely to feel it, but you may hear a popping noise. Chances are that it is a wall that has moved a fraction of a millimeter against another wall, and that is the popping noise you hear. Any carpenter with half a brain will have made allowances for this, so the structure is in no danger of collapse from this.
Other things that go bump in the night can include your heating system. Steam radiators are notoriously noisy. If not set up right, the returning water can make horrible noises when it has to fight against incoming steam (and it can make the radiator cold, too). Regular radiators are also prone to gurgling noises, and they can bang when the pipes expand from thermal expansion (though it will not be as loud as the banging from steam radiators). This is harmless, but it can be annoying when you hear the clicks and bangs from thermally expanding radiators and pipes.
Also, wind can make noise. Occasionally, it is something like a branch hitting the house. If that is the case, you might want to remove the branch because it can damage something by rubbing continually against it. Objects can hit the house in a windstorm. Even light winds can cause noises if there is a wire or branch nearby because of setting off vibrations. Turbulence is the explanation for this. Turbulence is harmless, though it can be annoying when the winds are gusty.
Other things that go bump in the night can include animals. If you have rats and/or mice, you have a property damage issue. Squirrels can also get in the attic. Animals outside can also make disturbing noises, especially barking dogs (though they can make noise just by running through brush). An air conditioner that doesn't drain properly can make a splashing noise if a puddle of water forms in the bottom. Air conditioners have also been known to make clunking noises when starting. Refrigerators, furnaces, water pumps, toilets, and dripping faucets can also make disturbing noises. Even electric heating can make a click when they come on, plus the thermal noise from expanding elements.
On extremely rare occasions, such noise is a warning of impending collapse of the whole building. This usually happens after earthquakes, though it can happen if the building was poorly built or was stressed beyond its limit. If you hear noises accompanied by growing cracks in the support walls, the building may be close to collapsing. This is mostly a danger in high rise buildings and in foreign countries where construction is shoddy. If you live in 90 Sands Street in Brooklyn, you may have something to worry about with the pxxx poor construction quality control that they have. However, the chances of encountering a building collapse from poor construction in this country, except in buildings that have suffered damage from earthquakes, is extremely small. However, it is not the demons.
Last night when I was half asleep, it felt like something was pressing down on my right shoulder. It woke me up and I considered the possibility of demons, but quickly dismissed it because I don't believe in them anymore. I just decided it must be a nightmare or night terror and went back to sleep. I'm glad I'm no longer under the influence of the JW organization.
Wordly Andre
It goes away, I think if you were born in the cult your brain is conditioned to it, every noise, every shadow is a demon. Afraid of the night, close those closet doors, open up your NWT bible and place it next to your bed, make sure to place watchtowers across the threshold of your front door. It's sick the way you are brought up in the JW world, but you can get over it, just takes time and a clear head.
Witness 007
As a kid I suffered alot thinking there was someone in my room...hearing clinking glasses in the kitchen. Today I would say that I was conditioned by the society's publications and my Witness mother who was very superstitous about "Demons." Even the first book I ever read; My Book of Bible stories had alot of scary stuff in it, for a kid.
Superstition is "great".
I spoke to my mother only hours ago, and she had come back from a funeral of a girl who had committed suicide. Know what my JW mother managed to say to me? "I heard she had been very into Harry Potter and Star Wars lately. Those things are spooky."
I kid you not! It's... Wow. Just wow.