Good repies folks ! I enjoy your takes, keep em' comin" !
Mrs. WITNESS- I too think Physical Graffiti was their best album as a whole production. Just my opinion. But like you, I loved all of em' !
JK- That must have been cool seeing the Egyptian musicians playing with them. You see a lot of that arabic influence in " Kashmir " . Tell you what bro, if they play again out here in California, I'll help get you some tickets ! Would love to have you come visit and go to the concert ! Peace bro
Mrs. WITNESS- I even get moved to tears by their music. Of course I'm a sentimental sap .
JEFF T- That was a strange mix of bands- Three Dog Night and Led Zeppelin at the same concert. That's like pop music meets heavy blues metal ! Weird. must have been a diverse crowd too !
OUTLAW- Love your little drummer there ! And the music treble clefs ! ZEP does ROCK !!
BURN the SHIPS- I agree . The bestest ever !
TARA- Amazing ! They are still rockin' at age 60 !
LAWRENCE - That must have been an awesome experience at the Boston Gardens in 1970 ! Wow! Their music does make a person scream at the heavens, doesn't it ?
FOOTSTEP FOLLOWER- Achilles Last Stand ! Great song !
BONNZO- Great song selection ! So they might play in Tennessee ? Hope they come to California too ! They did say one time they were , " going to California ", didn't they ?
LEOLAIA- I agree. My favorites from them would probably top 50 songs at least !
JAGUAR BASS- It is amazing when you read about how Jimmy Page literally resurrected the dying on the vine Yardbirds , and made them initially, the " new Yardbirds " . And then changed it to Led Zeppelin , when Keith Moon hurled an insult at them saying in the media, " I think they will go over like a led zeppelin " So, they adopted their name from that insult ! Funny ! Guess they showed old Keithie Moon didn't they ? Peace dude !
BEKSBKS- Must have been a cool 1995 concert ! Since I've Been Loving You, great song !
DAN the MAN- Good song picks . " stairway " is an anthem for our 70's generation I truly believe ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper