The Mighty Led Zeppelin Soars Again !!

by flipper 44 Replies latest jw friends

  • bonnzo

    1. the rover

    2. kashmir

    3. achilles last stand

    4. for your life

    5. when the levee breaks

    honorable mention: in my time of dying, ten years gone, no quarter, since i've been loving you.

    also the rumour is that led zep is going to headline bonnaroo music festival in tennessee this summer.

  • Leolaia

    My favorites:

    1. Ten Years Gone

    2. Tangerine

    3. Dazed and Confused

    4. Achilles Last Stand

    5. When the Levee Breaks

    And about 30 others.

  • Faithful-n-Discreet Wife
    Faithful-n-Discreet Wife

    i just bought the raising sands cd by robert plant and allison krauss......they are incredible together!!! robert plant still moves me!

  • jaguarbass

    Led zepplin was great they were the residue of my first non mainstream rock band.

    Jeff Beck and the yardbirds. Jimmy page started out playing bass with them.

    Jimmy was a sesion musician for acts like Donovan, he played rythym guitar behind Allen Holdsworth on the Hurdy Gurdy man,

    And Jimmy was the lead guitar player on record for Hermans Hermits.

    My favorite Zep songs.

    Good Times bad times.

    Communications break down.

    What is and what should never be.

    How many more times.

    Back in the day, I went with Beck and stewart who were my more favorite offshoot of the yardbryds.

    But the masses voted Zepplin.

  • beksbks

    Aaaahhhh yes, my favorite band of all time. I can't really imagine trying to pick a favorite, unless it's Since I Been Lovin' You. I saw the 1995 show twice. The first one in Oakland, and then when they came back around to Shoreline.

  • DanTheMan

    So, what about you Led Zeppelin fans ? What are your all-time favorites from them ?

    Dazed and Confused
    Immigrant Song
    Ramble On
    Stairway to Heaven
    Black Dog

  • flipper

    Good repies folks ! I enjoy your takes, keep em' comin" !

    Mrs. WITNESS- I too think Physical Graffiti was their best album as a whole production. Just my opinion. But like you, I loved all of em' !

    JK- That must have been cool seeing the Egyptian musicians playing with them. You see a lot of that arabic influence in " Kashmir " . Tell you what bro, if they play again out here in California, I'll help get you some tickets ! Would love to have you come visit and go to the concert ! Peace bro

    Mrs. WITNESS- I even get moved to tears by their music. Of course I'm a sentimental sap .

    JEFF T- That was a strange mix of bands- Three Dog Night and Led Zeppelin at the same concert. That's like pop music meets heavy blues metal ! Weird. must have been a diverse crowd too !

    OUTLAW- Love your little drummer there ! And the music treble clefs ! ZEP does ROCK !!

    BURN the SHIPS- I agree . The bestest ever !

    TARA- Amazing ! They are still rockin' at age 60 !

    LAWRENCE - That must have been an awesome experience at the Boston Gardens in 1970 ! Wow! Their music does make a person scream at the heavens, doesn't it ?

    FOOTSTEP FOLLOWER- Achilles Last Stand ! Great song !

    BONNZO- Great song selection ! So they might play in Tennessee ? Hope they come to California too ! They did say one time they were , " going to California ", didn't they ?

    LEOLAIA- I agree. My favorites from them would probably top 50 songs at least !

    JAGUAR BASS- It is amazing when you read about how Jimmy Page literally resurrected the dying on the vine Yardbirds , and made them initially, the " new Yardbirds " . And then changed it to Led Zeppelin , when Keith Moon hurled an insult at them saying in the media, " I think they will go over like a led zeppelin " So, they adopted their name from that insult ! Funny ! Guess they showed old Keithie Moon didn't they ? Peace dude !

    BEKSBKS- Must have been a cool 1995 concert ! Since I've Been Loving You, great song !

    DAN the MAN- Good song picks . " stairway " is an anthem for our 70's generation I truly believe ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • beksbks

    Hey Flip, I assume you've seen "The Song Remains the Same"? I remember when I was about 19 or 20, eating mushrooms and going to see it at the midnight show on Geary Blvd. in SF. It was a religious experience

  • bonnzo

    hey flipper......note the name bonnzo ......a misspelled(for a reason) tribute to the best drummer ever!!!!!!!!

  • WTWizard

    For a group that officially had only six top 40 singles, Led Zeppelin sure is a masterpiece. I have Black Dog, Stairway to Heaven, Kashmir, D'yer Maker, The Immigrant Song, All Of My Love, and Whole Lotta Love in my computer right now. And that doesn't even begin to scratch the surface--I have their whole 4-disc box set.

    What a shame, the people in the Tower don't know what they are missing out on. The idiot that studied with me told me that Led Zeppelin was among the worst bands all time, as if I could get disfellowshipped just for possessing their albums on the grounds that Jimmy Page was a devil worshiper. His whole family (his brothers that were in the lie) were also outspokenly against Led Zeppelin. And, to tell the truth, the lyrics are actually quite tepid. There is nothing outstandingly obscene about Led Zeppelin, nor do they openly glorify Satanism or drug use. Just because the band trashed hotels (and paid for the damage they did) and used drugs doesn't automatically mean I am going to start using drugs just by listening to their music.

    As for the demon possession issue, I never got possessed when I bought their box set. Nor did any demons come out of them when I played the music. I guess if I got away with a Ouija board, Led Zeppelin's music is totally safe.

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