I quit in 1985 and don't have any contact with the JWs I knew. I feel sorry them - all the false doctrines they fell for
For any who were raised a JW...
by rache31 40 Replies latest jw friends
Most that I knew are df'd or just faded. Two committed suicide. One is an elder, and there is one who pioneered for awhile, but I have no idea how she's doing now. Actually I haven't heard from the one who is an elder is about 3 years. (I get gossip from my mom).
50/50 or so.
From what i have been told most have left.
Most have all been married and had kids
A few have moved away
And one committed suicide
Of course, they were telling us like it was a warning but I used to wonder what the total was every year.
The average is about 1% per year:
*** yb92 p. 187 Kenya and Nearby Countries ***
Swept Clean in Kenya
The years following 1975 swept the congregations clean. Those in the truth only with the date 1975 fixed in their minds as to when the end of this wicked system of things would come dropped out as that year became history. From one survey during this period, for 77 new ones 49 others became inactive. Those who had skipped meeting attendance and personal study fell prey to Satan’s snares of immorality, drunkenness, and materialistic greed. Sadly, during certain years, over 3 percent of all publishers had to be disfellowshipped.
*** w92 7/1 p. 19 par. 18 Elders, Judge With Righteousness ***
In recent years disfellowshippings worldwide have been approximately 1 percent of publishers.
*** yb80 p. 11 1980 Yearbook of Jehovah’s Witnesses ***
The modern trend toward materialism, pleasure-seeking and the gratifying of fleshly desires has been taking its toll. (For example, had it not been for disfellowshipings, the United States would have seen an increase of almost 3.5 percent instead of almost 1.5 percent.)
*** yb72 p. 170 Dominican Republic ***
Spiritual growth has been the principal objective of all mature brothers throughout the country during the year. Maturity is needed to face Satan’s present tactics. A few years ago he tried harsh persecution and failed. The work grew. Now he attacks by trying to sow discord, through immorality and materialism. It became necessary to disfellowship fifty-four persons during the year 1971. In one city there were 350 publishers at the start of the year. During the year over 4 percent were disfellowshiped. Sad as this may seem, it brought faith in the organization and opened the way for the free flow of Jehovah’s spirit. During the same period the publishers in that city increased 18.3 percent, despite the 4-percent loss.
*** w68 8/1 p. 476 Why Christians Seek to Avoid Loose Conduct ***
Thus it has been reported that close to 1 percent of the Witnesses in the United States were disfellowshiped in the past year, the majority for sexual immorality.
*** w60 12/1 p. 728 par. 21 Separation and Divorce for the Sake of Peace ***
During the service year of 1958-1959 there were 6,552 individuals disfellowshiped by the New World society of Jehovah’s witnesses for various reasons. Many of these were cases of immorality, either fornication or adultery. Where it became proper and timely, mercy was displayed, and there were 1,597 of all disfellowshiped during past years reinstated during the 1958-1959 service year upon proof of godly sorrow, repentance and reformation. These were put on probation for a reasonable period of time, before being granted again the general privileges of all in the congregation. So, at the end of the said service year there were, out of all those who had been disfellowshiped during recent years, a total of 25,143 still cut off from the congregation of Jehovah’s people. While it is too bad that any should make it necessary to disfellowship them, we are comforted to know that, out of all the hundreds of thousands who are reporting preaching activities throughout the earth, only .81 percent were disfellowshiped. That is only eight-tenths of one percent. Still even that low figure is a warning to each one of us.Also, as far as the average reinstated:
*** w74 8/1 p. 466 par. 24 Divine Mercy Points the Way Back for Erring Ones ***
Thus, in the United States (where there are now more than half a million Christian witnesses of Jehovah), during the ten-year period from 1963 to 1973, 36,671 persons had to be disfellowshiped for various kinds of serious wrongdoing. Yet, in that same period 14,508 persons were reinstated, accepted back into the congregations owing to their sincere repentance. This is nearly 40 percent of the total.
Wouldn't the average take newly baptised ones into the account for statistical purposes? They manipulate numbers well.
Most of my old friends are still in. One who was disfellowshipped for many years has even gone back.
40% still in
40% out
20% dead
About 70% left and I can only think of two that are really active and one of those is a complete hypocrit.
Unfortunately it's difficult to tell, because of the "I still believe it's The Truth but..." contingent.
So many of my team are out, either totally out like me, or sort-of out like non-practising, maybe three-quarters or so, but most don't speak up about it.
I pray, no I don't but if I prayed I would pray, that they would acknowledge what a load of nonsense it all is.