I speak of the furry kind that burrow under my yard and destroy it.
This year in our area they were terrible. I do not lie when I state that nearly every square foot of my front lawn was tunnelled this summer, some of it three and four times after I pressed down the tunnels with my feet and mower. These little bas***** practically destroyed my lawn. In past years we had a moderate amount of activity, but this year it was worse than I have ever seen anywhere.
- I tried pellets to kill the grubs, no effect.
- I tried poison for the moles themselves, they just ate it and laughed perhaps?
- I bot one of those pointed, spring loaded, mole killer devices. It was triggered only twice, once it had hair on the tine, but no moles died that I could tell.
- I tried to drown them out with the hose for hours, they would not come out of the holes. My cousin's wife had success with this idea and killed several of them, but my moles just took a sip of fresh water and headed down another tunnel.
I did a Google search, and I found every conceivable trap, poison, electronic device, bobcat urine, that one can imagine. I have no idea if any or all of these methods might/might not work.
Can anyone give advice as to the way that worked for them. HELP!!! I want to murder moles, but don't know how!!!