What was the real reason why you joined the 'truth'?

by lfcviking 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • lfcviking

    If you came out of the world (like myself), what was the main motivation why you joined/got baptised?

    Was you genuinely disillusioned with the world and all of its badness and wanted real answers to why it was so?

    Was you honestly convinced the world would one day be made into a paradise and wanted to be part of it?

    Or did you like the idea of becoming super pious and it gave you a reason to go around bashing everybody with the bible?

    Or perhaps you were a social misfit?

    Or did you just have nothing better to do with your life?


  • worldtraveller

    Never joined-just lectured for 5 years. I wanted to know the truth about "the truth". What I have discovered is significant. The most recent info. is that most Witnessed are afraid to perish. That's why they spend their lives begging for forgiveness for the crap they did earlier in their lives. Many I have discovered have had a checkered past and now regret this to the point of endless babble. i had a chat with my JW bud earleir today and said to him that he must think badly of his God that he has to beg for redemption. Imagine a loving God that isn't so.

    This site has helped me significantly.

  • R.F.

    I joined because I thought it was the right thing to do.

  • 95stormfront

    After having them constantly defining what is "right" then asking you the leading question "don't you want to do what is "right"?, I'm notu surprised.

  • chickpea

    i was very vulnerable at the time i began associating with the borg....... in one of the worst years of my life, my much beloved older brother had died of AIDS and i had miscarried my 3rd child/2nd son at 26wks..... my firstborn son was 4 and asked me about where his uncle and "baby brother" were now that they were dead.... and i didnt have an answer....

    i did the " well some people believe this and that..." but i was unconvinced that any of it was true..... enter the borg and promises of resurrection and paradise..... well, hook, line and sinker..... it was a balm to my shredded heart.... and while i STILL am not sure what the state of the dead is..... i now believe that the rest of the crap they spew in terms of how one should live their life is ... well... spewed crap

  • WTWizard

    I joined thinking that they would improve my standing with the opposite sex (it's like I could not be effective in service if they all automatically shut me out). They promised me that Jehovah would take care of it for me if I joined--I gave them a fair chance. Instead, they exploited the situation and made it even worse, even officially Theocraptically Arranging that I should just meet other men to mask that problem. And for that, I blew them off and turned apostate.

  • prophecor

    Seeking out my own self righteousness.

    If I could get the tag JW, I could be better than the rest of the entire world.

  • FlyingHighNow

    My questions were getting answered and I dug the idea of Utopia.

  • FlyingHighNow

    Also, it gave us white folks a reason to call people brutha.

  • DanTheMan

    JWism alleviated the apocalyptic fears that had built up in me during my teenage years.

    Also, I was bullied really bad during my teen years, just constant vicious verbal abuse like you wouldn't believe from a sociopath that was in my life for three years or so, and I think it really affected me, just made me so uncertain of myself, I was so beat down.

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