Small dog owners...please take note

by restrangled 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • anewme

    Dear Restrangled, I am the owner of two little chihuahuas. You are right. We small dog owners need to keep our dogs under supervision as much as the owners of large breeds.

    Thanks for the reminder sweetie.

  • Country_Woman
    I think pit bulls should be outlawed. I think it should be against the law to breed and sell them. I hear too many stories about how "sweet and wonderful my pit bull is...I have no idea why he attacked the child...or dog..or whatever." I've had personal experience with this issue, and pit bulls are too unpredictable, imo.

    actually, they are outlawed in The Netherlands. Once spotted on the street, the police will have them put to sleep.

    I do have two Siberian Huskies - which I think will are "death on 4 legs" for other animals (experience). Except maybe other dogs.

    I don't try to find out: whenever I walk the dogs out, and see other dogs approaching, I'll go to the opposite of the street - and I am walking outside the village where no or lesser risk is to meet other dogs. However, at one of my neighbors, a little Maltese is living. They are having a fence along the street, and that little creature is for allways running to the fence and barking to my dogs (who don't give a sound) Once the fence was open and that stupid little one flew itself on my dogs and next it was laying on his back yelping. You should think it would have learned from this occasion, but she still is trying to commit suicide every time she sees my huskies......

    I should have mention that they did'nt hurt the Maltese.

  • bem

    I think little bitty dogs have a complex, ie. they don't know they are about the size of the big doggies head! Neither of my dogs know it and they weigh less than ten pounds between the two of them! I keep and eye on the fence to make sure *hopefully that they aren't close to digging out and no one big is digging in, six foot high fence so hoping another dog doesn't jump over! They run loose but have a heated dog house, I'll bring little miss when she comes in just to be safe and not push it.

    I agree I really do not like Chows or pits, One of my cousins was severly bitten by a chow hundreds of stiches and the mom didn't even hear what was going on at the time.

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