JW's and treatment of disabled / MRDD community.

by avishai 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • avishai

    My brother is Autistic. High functioning, fun guy. He was a fun kid. But he got tired alot due to seizures, etc. So my mom would take him to the "b" room for naps. Always to scowls from the bro's. When my mom asked for someone to study with him? Their attitude was basically "Well, he can't really comprehend the vow's/ 80 questions, etc., so what would be the point?"

    Also, I've noticed that their treatment of the physically handicapped or Mentally ill was often abominable.

  • dinah

    Yeah, I've noticed that too. If you can't tow the line......... They forget to see that people like your brother can affect people's lives more than knocking on doors and waking you up on Saturday morning.

  • avishai

    Yep, that damn bottom line. Ironically, when we went door to door he always placed more mags than me.

  • BlackSwan of Memphis
    BlackSwan of Memphis
    Also, I've noticed that their treatment of the physically handicapped or Mentally ill was often abominable.


    I knew a women w/ a daughter w/ md and they knew about the ways they could help her communicate but their reasons for not doing so were:

    (you guessed it!!!)

    The End Is SOOOOO Close!!

  • avishai

    I knew a women w/ a daughter w/ md and they knew about the ways they could help her communicate but their reasons for not doing so were:

    (you guessed it!!!)

    The End Is SOOOOO Close!!

    Grrrr!!! And folks w/ md usually are fine, brains wise. Trapping a lil' girl in a body like that. Bastards.

  • BlackSwan of Memphis
    BlackSwan of Memphis
    Grrrr!!! And folks w/ md usually are fine, brains wise. Trapping a lil' girl in a body like that. Bastards.

    Yeah, I know.

    I believe she is in her late 30's now.

    I've known her since I was born.

    I remember when the mom told me this, I was in disbelief.

    Because without a "voice", a way to tell the world Something, life can be so frustrating.....

  • Sunspot

    Oh, I think you're being way to harsh on these kind and compassionate JWs! I can think of three retarded adults that the Bros/ Sis' would pick up for meetings, count as return visits, and were counted as taking up a seat during every meeting. The seemed to "study" for years and years.

    I think when it is convenient for a JW (especially a pioneer) to find another way to rack up those points (hours and studies) on their time slips, they will most certainly do so.

    I raised an ADHD grandson with Asperger's Syndrome, who was actually quite bright.... but I was never approached by a brother to study with him, or even to go to other JWs homes for play dates. We happened to pass right by our elder-neighbor's home and saw all the kids at our bookstudy (he was conductor) out playing volleyball next to their pool. (They all had their bathing suits on) My grandson wondered why HE wasn't invited. I didn't know how to answer.

    I left the WTS that October. Among many other things, it was just ONE MORE act of "lack of love" that cinched it for me.

  • walking wolf
    walking wolf

    what has to be acknowledged is that satan is the ruler of this world. his goal is to mislead people away from the truth. that's what babylon the great is for. and as we learned, in the great tribulation, Christ will destroy those that don't know Jehovah (unbelievers) and those that don't OBEY Jehovah ("believers"). the weeds in the congregations are used to deceive unbelievers and believers alike into hating the witnesses when satan uses them to do something horrible and then he makes sure it gets out into the public. faithful witnesses can see past this. one of the anointed said in a watchtower that "half the congregation exists to test the other half." since we don't mingle with non-witnesses we need to be tested out on a social level, with our fellow man, to see how we deal with all the various issues that could make us have negative feelings for them. if we get ticked off at what the goats in the congregation are doing and leave the truth, then satan has won a victory. the truth was not in our hearts enough to let it love Jehovah enough to let the wicked be themselves and let Jehovah deal with them in his due time. when i was 13 i dedicated myself to taking care of my parents, both of whom are blind. i TOLD God to make me stay with them, to alter my life in a way that i could never become independent. i'm 37 and last year i moved out to try and make it on my own. they're being well taken care of by family and the friends. they get home health care. and they're able to send me money each month to help me through my homeless time. i preached to a neighbor back home and her friend didn't like it. her friend stopped talking with us. we had no car, (i've never had a car, one of the sacrifices i've made) and we needed her to run errands for us at times. she stopped talking to us and gave my mom a hard time about some stuff.. i was trying to move to n.c. and so i wrote her a coupla notes trying to make up and said if she helped me to get to n.c. she won't have to deal with me at least anymore. a few days later i was writing a note to the cherokee chamber of commerce for some info to help me move when i hear voices in the living room. i go out and there i am arrested for "stalking". a $10,000 bond is set and i spend 2 months in jail. have to hear dudes talking about pot all the time. hang out with a married with children preacher's son who got 3 years for statutory rape. at the preliminary hearing my accuser doesn't even get the chance to lie to the judge about me. the d.a says if i can find a place to live out of state in a week the charge and bond will be dropped. he suggested asheville n.c. when my mom got me out she said they changed their deal. if i don't get into any more trouble within a year they'll drop them. my accuser didn't really have a case. in my notes i ASKED her to help me leave. why would i ask my target to help me leave her alone in the first 2 notes i've ever sent her? the only thing is i'm banned from going back home, at least to the county they live in. but despite that, i'm happier than i've ever been, despite being "homeless". but i'm applying for ssi and i've got all the good help i need from drs. and a great atty. to help me win my case. i'm off the streets living in the mts. with rich folks. i wanted to move here to be in the cherokee/scotch/irish homeland, my heritage. i've grown as a person after spending too many years as a shy, mama's boy, and my accusers life is falling apart. mom said she's even lying against her ex in a bad way. i sacrificed everything for my folks. i've never driven until now, a scooter. i'm afraid of driving a car. i never graduated. i've NEVER had a girlfriend or sex, and i never will until i'm married. i've never been able to work because our fha house regs. said if i made over $2000 a yr. they'd increase our payments to what we couldn't afford and we'd lose our food stamps. from age 13 to 34 it was like that. Jehovah heard my dedication prayer. and i know plenty more handicapped witnesses that were well taken care of. it's sad to think that people give up on Jehovah when they learned all the time that satan and his kind would be done away with. maybe not in our lifetime. but even if i die before the end, i'll know there will at least be one, and that i was proud to have served a God as Beautiful and Loving as Jehovah is. i've seen wickedness in various congregations and it makes me sick. i've been on the recieving end of it at times. but my Scriptural training has let me overcome all the wickedness i see. at this point in time i'm not attending meetings, and i've acted in ways that i feel that maybe God has dis-fellowshipped me in heaven already. so i feel i can discuss the Bible with you all in your positions of not having a relationship with Jehovah. but if he's forgiving me when i pray that's wonderful. and if some of you are led back to The Way then that will be wonderful too. satan has just made you see the weeds too closely and he knew it would tick off those with weak spiritual armor. and you let the blow make you give up the fight. but if you could only have done it, you would have realized that in Jehovah's war against evil, even in the congregation that he allows, Jehovah WILL win. it is prophesied.--walking wolf

  • avishai

    Uhh, WW, sounds like you've had a pretty messed up and uneducated life. I suggest you go back to school and maybe get some counseling.

  • Sunspot

    Walking Wolf wrote:

    so i feel i can discuss the Bible with you all in your positions of not having a relationship with Jehovah.

    What leads you to believe that leaving a man-made organization is not having a relationship with Jehovah? MANY of us here have a strong and personal relationship with our Lord and Savior, but the WTS dismisses it because we no longer follow often mistaken and imperfect men in Brooklyn. MANY of us heard the voice OF Jesus calling us OUT of the false religion, and have obeyed his call. MANY of us have a better understanding and appreciation OF God than we ever did as JWs.

    How can anyone look back on ALL the blunders, terrible mistakes and horrible advice that has been printed by the WTS as "truth".....and STILL look forward to whatever they say in the future to BE truth? It makes absolutely NO sense at all. If God is looking for those who worship with spirit and truth....he will NOT be looking inside the Watchtower Society! THEY cannot seem to make up their minds on what the current "truth" is!

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