Never having been baptized, I never got too them. Anyone have them handy? Just what DID I need to know to be a dedicated dubbie?
Just what were the "80 questions?"
by avishai 31 Replies latest jw friends
You mean your not of our sort? Oh Pshhawwww, Avashai, Psshhawww!!!!
LOL, just a "born in" not a "dunkee".
What's funny, I can't remember a GD one of those questions now---and I studied for them my whole life! There was a buttload of questions and I studied like a mofo. I passed that test---but was deemed a failure about 4 years later. Oh well.
....not a "dunkee".
Dear God in Heaven, that doesn't make us sound very attractive....
You managed to dodge a bullet, Avi. Nothing but love for ya brother.
I'll second that one, Dinah. A Silver Dum-Dum Bullet
You probably don't want to know every single one of them because they change at unpredictable intervals along with everything else about the organization. But they are basically a test to see how thoroughly indoctrinated you are before going under the water. You will be quizzed about basic Watchtower doctrine as is found in the
BibleWatchtower Teach book. These things might include the viewpoint on fornication, why we do not take blood or celebrate Christmas, and going out in field circus. It is nothing more than one of those unit tests found in classes: Pass, and you are ready for baptism. Flunk, and you will have to study more. -
Which book the Organized to Accomplish Our Ministry (1989) or the Organized to Do Jehovah's Will (2005)
The OM book has 4 Parts and Conclusion questions. The total number of questions is 128.
Part I has 49 , Part II has 37, Part III has 15, Part IV has 23, Conclusion questions 4
OD book has 3 Parts and Concluding questions The total number is 106
Part I has 35, Part II has 37, Part III has 32, Concluding questions 2
Which set are you inquiring about?
I think I need to be dunked again without all the crap. Christ, I was so blind to that stuff.