SHHHHHHHHHH.....It came in UPS yesterday

by nomoreguilt 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • nomoreguilt

    had to order Crisis of Concience at Barnesand Nobles. Now that I have it WOW what an eye opener. Fascinating reading. A must for everyone who was a party to the lack of inside info on what really tkkes place in the GB.

    My question now is, will the gestappo show up at my door to confiscate it? Will they chain it around my neck and burn me at the stake at the district booring meetup?

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    I found one in the library {2003} out the back in storage, no one had borrowed it for a while...I thought about keeping it but my "Witness" conscience made me return it.

  • JK666


    If the Gestapo does come to your house, I wouldn't leave it on the coffee table, if ya know what I mean. That is, unless you want to be kicked out.

    You will probably have it read in a matter of days, if that long. I couldn't put it down and read it in a little over a day, even though I had papers due for college. Enjoy, and prepare to get pissed off.


  • Fangorn

    Truth is, I doubt if one in a hundred Witnesses has even heard of it. Leave it on your coffe table, who knows what might happen.

  • nomoreguilt

    I had left it on the coffee table and my wife, a non-jw, read through a little bit in the middle of it, and it pissed her off too. I am about 100 pages into it and will probably finish it by sunday. So far what I have read shows me that they are not as organized as they would leave us to believe. They have the same mortal weaknesses of authority figures and power struggles with-in. Knorr showed that on his part. Not every one knows what the opther one is doing. And, they are NOT the fds. Gotta go to work kids, I'll catch up with this later. You all have a good day. It's my wife and mine bowling night, only goes to show that there is life after the borg. Have made alot of new friends, good friends at that.

  • delilah
    Truth is, I doubt if one in a hundred Witnesses has even heard of it. Leave it on your coffe table, who knows what might happen.

    Excellent idea!!

  • dinah

    Let us know what you think when you've finished reading, okay?

  • worldtraveller

    What was the cost of the book?

  • babygirl75
    What was the cost of the book?

    I just ordered my copy today at Barnes & Noble. It was $19.99 + tax with free shipping to your house! They said I should get in within 5 days.

  • choosing life
    choosing life

    It is a great read. There are a lot of "aha" moments in there. Franz lets you in on one of the most secretive parts of the organization. When I got through it, I realized it was a business and not a religion at all.

    I liked his second book too-"In Search Of Christian Freedom".

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