If the IPCC scientists were the direct recipients of such a tax, then I'd see your point. Climate change and the decisions policymakers make in relation to it are separate issues.
This is what Global Warming is REALLY about................................
by Warlock 17 Replies latest jw friends
Oh no! The global warming commies are going to take my money away. :(
I always have heard follow the money if you want to find the truth.
Global warming is taxes and control and power to the fear mongers.
I could understand man's role in polluting the earth, and in particular those witlesses that cut down huge amounts of trees, burn tons of coal to produce litter-ature, and then waste even huger amounts of gas to distribute it in field circus. To me, that is total waste--that is, it produces zero or negative value and uses resources.
However, with the knowledge that the other planets are also going through global warming makes me think our contribution may not be as great as I once thought. We cannot warm Jupiter and Saturn by putting carbon dioxide into our atmosphere. It is de facto truth that our planet is warming, as can be seen by those living in areas where white Christmases used to be common but green ones are now the rule. But, if the other planets are also warming, I am inclined to blame the sun itself for that. And no matter what we do to the earth, we have zero effect on the sun.
I still use energy wisely, including using LED Christmas lights and LCD computer monitors instead of CRTs. And I still recycle when realistically possible. Most important, I have no share in wasting resources by distributing Witchtower litter-ature door to door.
If global warming is a fact then it is just the Earths natural defences trying to shake off the parasite that is man.
why should the US have to pay a lot? Have you seen the pollution in Asia? It is far worse than the pollution here. And there are so many people there that I don't think they can solve their pollution problem, except for making the US the bad guy, as usual. In fact, in my lifetime, the pollution in the US has improved significantly.
wow. so who gets the 10 - 40 billion? do you think it's un officials?
if you want to see what politics of fear is really like, visit the bush administration. the un framwork conference on climate change has the feel of the politics of trust, that is, the world is a hazardous place but we can get through it together. -
Don't want to sound like watchtower but I'm pretty convinced Global Warming is real and we are all going down the toilet. Life will find the way as someone said but I'm afraid without us. Though when I think about it we were/are real parazites and as such will finally met out end when nature balances itself. It will be armageddon but not from god, planet itself will in a way vomit us out.