Does Religions "Cult Mind Control" Bring Out Violence in People ?

by flipper 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • flipper

    Hello folks. I couldn't help noticing a common scenario in 2 murders that took place this last week . In both instances it appears that " strict religious upbringing " may have been at least a contributing factor as to why 2 young people are now dead and 4 innocent people . Now granted , that being said , other variables enter into this too. Perhaps chemical imbalance on the murderers parts , mental illness, and unchecked anger naturally all play a real factor into it too. But still the "strict religious upbringing " may have been a trigger point for these occurences.

    The first instance was in Ontario, Canada where a Pakistani Muslim father has been charged with strangling his 16 year old daughter to death over her wanting to be independent of the Muslim family faith they had. An autopsy showed she died from " neck compression" or strangulation. What led to this attack by her father ? Among other things 16 year old Aqsa Parvez was planning to leave home because of , " tensions with her family over her decision to stop wearing her head scarf at high school." Friends said that , " she often had bruises and that she herself predicted days before her death that her father would kill her. " A friend of hers at school was quoted as saying, " Her dad would want her to be about Muslim this, Muslim that, but she was more about living her life to the fullest. She just wanted to show her parents that you could be religious, but also be who you wanted to be . " Apparently the parents were so insistent on her conforming to " strict " Muslim beliefs , that they "would follow her to school or her sisters would then go home and tell her parents what she was wearing. They would come out the back doors just to spy on her. The 16 year old Aqsa was always afraid of them and she would scramble to put her scarf back on if she saw them coming. " But friends at school started worrying when Aqsa regularly showed up at school with bruises on her arms, possible signs of abuse at home that other friends noticed as well. Pretty sick stuff I would say. Just because a girl wanted religious freedom , now she is dead, and won't have the chance to exercise any freedom, because of her father's fanatic " cult mind control" beliefs ! Lock him up, and throw away the key, I say.

    In the next instance, the young man Matthew Murray of Denver, Colorado was raised in the " New Life Church " a fast growing group of evangelical Christians, charismatics and Penecostals who believe the " " Holy Spirit " continues to show signs and wonders, including speaking in tongues, prophesying and miraculous healings." Apparently this young 24 year old man had anger and resentment over the " strict " upbringing he had been raised with and had been expelled from the " New Life Church" according to them because of alledged " health reasons ". No details were given on the " health " reasons. He went completely ballistic this last week and in a rage killed 4 people and injured several others in a rampage that spanned 70 miles . He killed members of the church which had expelled him. Then he was shot and killed by a security guard at the church. His family says they are ," groping for answers " and claimed he was raised with, " love and support ".

    That is probably true that he was raised with " love and support " , but disturbing messages were found on internet websites that the young man had posted on, trying to find understanding and a place to belong in his life. On one web site he complained about, " not being able to socialize normally after being home -schooled and described being an outcast who was always left out of things. " On other posts he complained about , " an overbearing mother who patted him down for cd's, video games and DVD's whenever he returned from the electronics store ". On yet another website he mentioned that his , " post high school graduation options were limited to missionary work or attending Oral Roberts University , the flagship university of charismatic Christianity. " He ended up attending a missionary type school run by " youth With a Mission". In one of his final posts on the internet he decalared his anger toward Christianity and religion in general. He stated, " he would make a stand for the weak and defenseless..... this is for all the young people still caught in the nightmare of Christianity. "

    So, obviously this young man had anger, probably chemical imbalance too, which might have gone unchecked . Probably dealt with depression and needed to be on medications . However , if you look at BOTH of his experience that ended up in murders, and the young Pakistani girl who ended up getting killed , there is a common thread here, which gives us food for thought. In both instances these young people had been raised in a strict, religious upbringing . Notice too that both young people were restricted in their options as to what future they could , by free will, make choices for themselves ! Both of these young people had " controlling parents " who felt they had to " follow " these young people in order to control every move or decision they made about, in the girls case , her "head wear apparel ", in the young man's case, his " entertainment " apparently, and what educationhe would be able to pursue . And in both cases here the emotion of " rage and anger " took over the father who killed his daughter, and the young man who killed 4 people , in part due to frustration in his life and feeling of hopelessness !

    So, my friends , this is one reason, I am not a christian or have religious beliefs. Of course I respect those of you who choose that life , it certainly is your choice. But when any organization, family,fathers, mothers, or religion takes away your freedom of choice and " forces " you or makes you feel guilty or bad about yourself for choosing another life other than what they offer , it is a violation of BASIC HUMAN FREEDOM . Thenit becomes, " Cult Mind Control" . And look what adhering to fantastically deluded ideas in narrow minded thinking did to these two families relationships . May all of us be proponents of freedomofd speech which the oroginal founding fathers intended in our " free" society. So, I would like to hear all your opinions on this situation. How do you view your freedoms? Do you feel free to choose? Or are you controlled in your life? Might be an interesting, engaging discussion here. Look forward to hearing from you ! Peace out to all of you ! Mr. Flipper

  • erynw

    I'm not sure it's just the cult types. I can not for the life of me understand how some, who claim to be doing god's will, can justify murdering abortion doctors while claiming at the same time that the abortion doctors are murderers.

  • flipper

    ERYNW- I agree. There are a lot of alledged "mainstream " people who claim to be good people, "christians " or whatever that do hideous things even though claiming to be decent ! The more I'm reading about "cult " type thinking, I see evidence of that thinking in many facets of our so-called " enlightened " society ! Scary really. Good comments, thanks ! Bet you are excited about your trip ! Have a great time sis ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • worldtraveller

    When I found out what my JW bud thought what should happen to "worldly People", I told him I thought it was an awful and evil thing to assume of people you know nothing of. i also said I no longer want to discuss issues of faith with him because he was full of himself. He literally blew up inside and became very angry.

    However weeks later, he started the propoganda machine up again. However I stop any discussion about the WTS because I found out how evil the society is.

    Today I had lunch with 2 free thinking friends and we had a wonderful time talking about faith issues .

    I am sad that witnesses cannot talk as a friend, just as a broken record.

  • WTWizard

    It is very plausible. Stress can bring out violence. This can range from banging on a video game in the arcade when you do poorly (I have seen that many times) to hitting someone because of snapping. It can lead to murder in extreme cases.

    The Watchtower Society puts enormous stress on people. Emotions are suppressed. People are supposed to put their lives on hold and screech around in field circus (OK, so most don't screech around, but they are supposed to and they do waste enormous amounts of time in it). The meetings are designed to tell people that they are not doing enough, and that God is going to destroy them unless they start picking up the pace and pioneering (well, maybe not in so many words, but that is the message I got). Personal fulfillment is denied, and in many cases sabotaged, by the organization. Then people are supposed to fake happiness. Which all puts stress on people that is totally unnatural.

    Putting these together, and I am not surprised to see that more witlesses per 100,000 people are committing these offenses than worldly people.

  • flipper

    WORLD TRAVELLER- It is true that it is much easier to talk with free thinking people as you say ! When people are controlled by the edicts of religion , and espeially cult- oriented religions , it is very difficult to have a non-emotional discussion with them. They tend to blow a fuse, eventually and either lose their temper , cry, get emotional , or threaten to do you bodily harm ! And that can be just over a conversation about religion ! Crazy !

    WT WIZARD- You are correct in how "cult mind controlled" the witnesses are. I actually heard of one or two incidents here in California where a person was disfellowshipped and went back trying to take vengance out on the elders and some in a congregation. I'm actually surprised that it doesn't happen more often with the incredible amount of stress that is put on members who get DFed or screwed over some way by the witness religion. I have also been at meetings before when an unbelieving husband got angry the witnesses were taking their wives away and threaten violence against the elders. Truly strange how religion brings out the worst in peoples emotions! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • flipper

    Just wanted to bump this thread up for any religious friends or atheist friends on the board here, as this is an interesting topic for discussion. Wanted to get both sides takes and opinions . Of course in a respectful manner. Not lookin' for any fights here, just opinions to foster good debate and questions. Peace out to everybody ! Mr. Flipper

  • Satanus

    It's shameful that we have muslims like this in our country. I hope they deport him back to wherever he came from, after he's done his time. Too bad the american guy couldn't find an outlet. I know, it was only after i left the wt, that i was able to let go of my anger. In letting it go, i had to do some unchristian things. Not bad things, really, just what needed to be done. Therapy is sometimes not pretty.


  • flipper

    SATANUS- Yeah I agree with you man . After getting out of mind contol cults , many of us have anger , and unless we have a semi-healthy outlet, any of us could snap like a matchstick. I understand where you are coming from ! I too agree that in this country we have a lot of dangerous people lurking in the shadows ,whether they are Muslims, caucasian Christendom religionists, or whatever race ! And it seems to me that as even in the Jehovah's Witnesses any religion can do more harm in a person's private home than anywhere else , because people tend to be " off " their best behavior when not putting on a show for their fellow worshipers. At least that is what I noticed with some who claim to be " holier than thou "

  • flipper

    Just wanted to bump this up a bit if anybody has some thoughts on how " cult religious mind control" makes people violent. Or maybe you have experienced it firsthand ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

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