Well, The Elders & Circuit Overseer Came By Tonight To See If We Are Celeb.

by Lady Liberty 110 Replies latest jw friends

  • mcsemike

    To Wednesday: I agree with you. The sooner we could have realized the WT's uselessness and utter stupidity, the sooner we could live better lives. I think much, if not all, of the fear JW's have of the WT is the mistaken belief that God is really using them no matter what. Once that falsehood is exposed and a person's heart sees what really happened to it, then it's much easier to tell them all to go to hell.

    I've said for years that the only thing most people understand and react to is force and/or confrontation. Once a few JW's see someone tell a CO to go to hell or questions him like he was a criminal (most are) then they start to see that God didn't strike someone down with lightning. Perhaps this will encourage those who are sitting on the fence to get off of it and quit this cult.

  • Barbie Doll
    Barbie Doll

    Lady Liberty------May the spirit of Christmas Bring Peace and Happiness throughout the

    New Year. With Every Good Wish for Your Happiness this Holiday Season.

    Barbie Doll

  • NanaR

    Good for you Lady Liberty!!

    I just can't for the life of me understand why these people have to continue to poke their noses in the lives of those who have left them and moved on.

    I SO want to put up Christmas decorations both outside and inside, but my hubby (who hasn't been active for over 10 years) won't let me. We have an elder just down the street from us and I would LOVE to see the look on his face if I put up Christmas decorations. That would be priceless!!

    Imagine the arrogance of these little men thinking that their opinion actually means something...

    Like you, I was raised JW so had nothing to "go back" to. However I have gone forward and will soon be Roman Catholic. I think maybe I'll just send an invitation to my baptism to the Kingdom Hall. In lieu of a DA letter...

    Still smiling,


  • rockhound

    Great job daughter!

    I'm very proud to see your strength and ability in such a high stress situation as a CO and elder visit. Well informed and principled men and women who decide to draw a line in the sand and in effect say "I was wrong in holding you in such high regard" are the elder's worst nightmare.

    When JW's call at the doors of the public, they like to get, and stay in control of the conversation and the subject matter being discussed. As long as they are on material that they feel comfortable with, they want to talk, but when the conversation shifts out of their comfort zone, they want to be elsewhere as quick as possible.

    Those elders came to your door to intimadate you with their official circuit overseer, their official suits and ties. They were on comfortable ground when they where asking the questions, and they thought they had you on the defense about Christmas. Christmas is a debatable subject, and almost every witness is comfortable talking about what the Watchtower has drilled into them over the years.

    Witnesses are highly offended when people apply the words Cult and Pedophile to the Watchtower Society. You took control away from them by exposing a very sensitive and current issue that embarrasses and disables them.

    The CO said "We are not going to have this conversation" and turned to leave. He was no longer in his comfort zone, and he did not like having a woman steal his thunder and put him and the organization he serves on the hot seat. The finger pointing showed that you hit a nerve with him, and that he had lost control.

    Then he stopped and shook his finger at me and said, "THAT DOES NOT HAPPEN IN JEHOVAH'S ORGANIZATION!!" Instantly pissed off, I swung the door open and went outside and said "Excuse me?!!!! Did you just say it doesn't happen?? He then said, "There are only a few isolated cases." I said "A few?? How about over 20,000 files of cases of child abuse within the congregations!!!! And you say it's not happening?? Infact thats why you have had the "Keep on the Watch campain cancelled haven't you?!??" He said," I don't know what your talking about! I placed that brochure just last month!" I said.."Well regardless, I cannot and will not belong to an organization who harbors pediphiles!!!

    I love it when you slip into the "Excuse Me"!!! mode, It usually means your tired of the BS, and are ready to "Kick Ass' and 'Take Names"

    These men will know that you and Black Pearl will not just "Go quietly into the night", but will do so with flar and oh yeah, a whole lot of lights!!!


  • LouBelle

    A round of applaus. Well done!!!!! Good for you.

    I'm so going to deck my halls with holly now ;o)

  • darkuncle29


  • PoppyR
    So, dear friends, this is it. The end of a long era. I was born into the Organization, and now some 40+ years later, I'm out. No regrets, no looking back. I have some good memories and some not-so-good memories. I still love Mom and Dad and my Brother, but it will never be the same now. I've got a whole life ahead of me to love my God, Jehovah, my wife and daughter, her family, and to love my neighbor

    This paragraph is sad, but comforting, when I get down about my family (or lack of!) which is more accentuated at this time of year, I honestly take GREAT comfort from this board and knowing that so many are experiencing the same kind of heartache.

    Great Original Post, and you guys are so lucky to have each other!

    Poppy x

  • Incognito

    Great narrative Lady Liberty!

    Many of us (me included) would most likely be overwhelmed and flustered by such a surprise visit. You appeared to keep your wits about you and be able to present a logical response that took the conversations control and purpose away from them. Since they didn’t like not being in control & putting you on the defensive, they turned to leave as they were defeated.

    It’s great to keep in mind that elders (small e) are only men and only hold power over us – IF we let them. Although not always the case, they are offended when others don’t give them reverence as God’s chosen princes.

    In regards to your 607 issues, Jesus said to leave the 99 sheep to go after the 1 which strayed off. By making you wait, they were not following Jesus instructions as the 1 sheep that strayed may have fallen into peril if not quickly recovered. Their focus is not to act as Sheppard’s but as executioners. This is clearly shown in their lack of time to assist you but an abundance of time to ‘catch’ you in ‘wrongdoing’, visits to berate you and judicial meetings to further criticize and punish you.

    By stating that: "We are NOT going to have this conversation!!" the CO was actually acting much like a child putting his fingers in his ears & yelling – I CAN’T HEAR YOU!

    Having the time to sit here and think about the situation, an alternate response occurred to me regarding the statement from the CO:


    You know, I very much agree with that statement. As a lover of truth and in an effort to make sure of all things, I looked further into these allegations to disprove them. Unfortunately, my investigation confirmed the claims to be true. Since these things do not happen in Jehovah’s organization, I came to the conclusion the Watchtower CANNOT BE Jehovah’s organization!

    It’s funny how when the Watchtower says anything, it is immediately accepted by Witnesses as gospel truth without any further consideration or question. When anyone makes mention of Watchtower transgressions, even if knowing nothing of the matter, witnesses immediately go into defence mode and either reject Watchtower involvement or otherwise rationalize involvement to a FEW ISOLATED cases happening a long time ago.

    When anyone points out times when Witnesses or the organization don’t live up to the standards that they themselves brag as living by, the person bringing up the issue is labelled a liar, having a wrong attitude or otherwise having a vendetta against Jehovah and his ‘channel’.

  • 2112

    That is an awesome story, you were ripping them a new one. I wish it was recorded what a hoot.

    The only thing I would have done differantly is when he pointed his finger in you face I would have viewed that as an assult an would have defended myself. Especially the second time. He only did it to try and intimidate you, even though it did not work.

    Again you were awesome!

  • karvel

    hahahaha. that was great. you get 'em girl!

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