Statue of limitations for the disfellowshiped?

by myway2007 12 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • myway2007

    I recently had a conversation with a JW relative, to which I have not spoken to in a while. Like always, the conversation turned to religious beliefs, and what am I doing these days, to which I responded I am just doing my own thing. I said what happened with me, was over 20 years ago. I have moved on in my life and you should do the same. It occurred to me that they are stuck in that moment in time. As for me, I have moved on, got married, have a great job and a pretty good life. I have my own religious beliefs, and appreciate everything I have.

    Do you get to a point, where after being disfellowshipped for so many years, you revert back to being just a run of the mill non believer? It has been over 20 years for me, and while there has been some bumps in the road, I do not regret where I have come from. But that is a story for another day….

  • journey-on

    Welcome to JWD, Myway2007

    I was never df'd but have been faded for many many years. But, for my JW sister, it may as well be yesterday. That's where they are stuck like a broken record. My life is NORMAL (is there any such thing?) but to them I have something missing. The only thing missing to me is a life of JW drudgery!! Yay! My spirituality is healthier than it ever was bowing down to the Borg. Glad you came on board. Look forward to your posts...............Journey on.

  • Sunspot

    If I am understanding your question correctly....I would say that I am not a "run of the mill" anything....but have developed a MUCH stronger sense of my relationship with Jesus Christ than I EVER had as a JW. I spent 30 long years slaving for a publishing company that told me I was pleasing God by how many meetings I attended and how many hours I put in every month.

    I have an entirely new outlook on myself and where I stand spiritually. I never felt this when I was in the WTS. I never felt I was good enough or have DONE enough every day I woke up and it tooks its toll on me eventually.

    I was not disfellowshiped but left on my own after a few months of seeing all the WTS misdeeds and blunders on the internet....but I am treated like pondscum and shunned by all JWs because I no longer attend the Kingdom Hall with them, so I can't really speak to the statute of limitations that a truly DFed person experiences.

    Just be thankful that you are OUT of this braindead group with cult mentality.



  • bob1999

    Edit by bob for clarification.

    "Do you get to a point, where after being disfellowshipped for so many years, you [in the eye's of Jehovah Witnesses] revert back to being just a run of the mill non believer?"

  • MissingLink

    You would think so! This is one of the reasons I'm on my way out. My sister was DF 17 years ago. She was 18 at the time. Just a kid. Since then she's been thru 1 bad mariage, and one good one. She's a totally different person. But in the eyes of the JW she's still DF. I'm allowed to visit with my other unbelieving brother-in-laws, but not my sister. What's the difference? None of them give a crap about the WTBTS! They should be considered equal - unbelievers, not in league with Satan.

  • WTWizard

    Technically, there is no statute of limitations. When you are disfellowshipped or disassociate yourself, they have to fill out a S-77 form. This is filled out in multiple copies. One is kept on congregation records, and another is sent back to Brooklyn in a Special Blue Envelope. These are never destroyed. Thus, once you are disfellowshipped, you are never going to revert back to being a worldly person in their eyes. You either get reinstated (which fact will be noted on the same S-77 form) or you remain disfellowshipped until you die (which fact is also recorded on the same form).

    However, they are not likely to perfectly remember that. If you are out for a good number of years, chances are good that the hounders have totally forgotten about you. And, that is more true if there are a fair number of hounders that have moved out of the location and new hounders have been appointed. People will also forget about it, as will new ones that have no way of knowing. If you have been out more than 20 years, there is a chance that they will view you as a worldly person (though don't count on your family members still in to do that).

    If they do forget, there is the odd chance that they will still find out. Sooner or later, the hounder-hounder is going to go through those S-77 forms on file in the congregation. And there's your card, without the indication of reinstatement. At which point they will once again view you as disfellowshipped or disassociated. As to whether a new announcement will be made or not, that depends on whether or not they see the need (I never heard a new disfellowship announcement made on the same disfellowshipment). But usually the hounders will then caution anyone that might be associating with the person that they are disfellowshipped/disassociated, and warned to cease such.

  • katiekitten
    sent back to Brooklyn in a Special Blue Envelope. These are never destroyed.
    you remain disfellowshipped until you die (which fact is also recorded on the same form).

    Crumbs, they have to keep track of when you snuff it? Blimey!

  • blondie

    I remember a woman who had been df'd who changed her name and moved half-way across the US settled into a congregation and was going to marry a brother there. A couple came to the wedding (friends of the groom's mother), who walked in and recognized her as a df'd woman from their congregation.....that created a difficult reinstatement for quite some time.

    A person even has to be reinstated for certain periods of time to be appointed a pioneer, MS, or elder.

    There was a time that jws had to be on probation for one year (similar to reproof) and could be instantly df'd if they screwed up again.


  • myway2007

    Oh the stories I can tell, about life without family members, and surviving out in the "world'. Not becoming something "evil" for the rest of my life. Missing out on nieces and nephews, who only know me as "the evil one", or worse, don't even know I exist. it was just my will power, and refusing to give in and go back to something I did not believe in any more. Then there was the time the "brothers" attempted to throw me out of a funeral service at Bethel, for a relative who was there, and i refused to leave and sat in the back. I think I have been a silent reader here long enough, and it's time to help others who are on the edge of exiting, and have a fear of leaving. It can be as good or as bad as you want to make, and you just have to want to make it great! Especially now at one of the hardest times of year to be a JW, the Holidaze's. I can tell you from experience, it can be one of the best times of year too, once you let go and enjoy what you have been missing.

  • exwitless
    When you are disfellowshipped or disassociate yourself, they have to fill out a S-77 form.

    Is there a PDF version of this form somewhere? I'd like to see it- I'm sure there's one filled out for me since I DA'd. God, it's pathetic that they do that.

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