Is the Watchtower Society in serious financial diffiCULTy?

by cultswatter 25 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • cultswatter

    Just to summarize:

    WT format change saves one WT mag per month
    No anouncment of the DC theme
    No or late annual report
    Restudying of the Rev Climax 4 times

    Talk of putting the KM on the internet.and maybe even the WT mag. Think of the savings and the reduction in CO2 as trees use C02 but the WTS cuts trees down promoting global warming (I will bring to ruin those ruining the earth) he he

    So here is what I was wondering. How much does it cost to make 6.7 million year books for those morons The cost of printing is directly related to the cost of crude oil. Sure the WTS make it's own ink(brag) but the cost of pulp and paper, shipping etc is related to oil . I think the WTS will fold when crude oil hits 200/barrel

  • What-A-Coincidence

    They will start making local dubs print the literature now ... WT, AWAKE, KM

  • Priest73

    Or maybe they'll require the publisher to print their own copies from the newly announced electronic downloads... BTW, I'm downloading now. Gotta love laptops and wireless routers. =-)

  • DT

    I think they may be economising because of fear of future lawsuits or giving the impression of financial troubles to stimulate contributions.

  • WTWizard

    I hope they do put all their litter-ature online. That way, us apostates will be able to get hold of it, put it on a site that the Watchtower Society has no control on, and distribute it so that other apostates can tear at it and even learn what tricks they are going to use well in advance. Then we can be one step ahead of them, and educate others so the field will not produce anything when they start trying the methods that they worked so hard to perfect.

  • oompa

    There is no financial difficulty there. But the next step will be faxing lit. to your workplace..............oompa


    Is the Multi-Billion dollar WBT$ in financial trouble?..No..........The WBT$ and OUTLAW both own shares in the Rand Cam Engine Corp........They own 50% of the shares,I own 500 shares......Regardless..We make money on War!!..........I would like to buy some shares in the WBT$ Cult,the Jehovah`s Witness`s.........Religion or War,the WBT$ knows how to make money!!.........You`ve got to admire that!!..BravoBravoBravo...............................Laughing Mutley...OUTLAW

  • nomoreguilt

    My thoughts? Considering all of the afforementioned cut backs, financial losses due to litigating sexual molesters, the embarrasment of said, turmoil in the ranks, and the lack of NEW blood in the org, I think they are going to cut and run. Maybe not immediately, this all takes time. Launder the money, off-shore accounts, selling off of properties, cutting back on bethel staffers. The priveldged few insiders will get the golden parachute,and the final Witchtower will be entitled ,"It's Time To Flee To the Mountains." Detailed scriptural admonition relating to when Jersalem was surrounded by the Roman armies. Gird yoursleves for the siege, store up provisions now. Watch for the sign in the heavens, seclude yourselves from those who know you as JW. Please feel free to carry this thread......


  • BlackPearl

    Here's how I think that would happen; The WT would available over the web, with the password for access to downloading it would only be given to the elders. The elders would download a copy and begin printing it for distribution into the family "literature boxes". This would require each congo to purchase a computer, paper and a laser printer. Think of the tremendous cost savings that would produce for the Society!

    I've thought this quite a few years but never believed I'd actually hear they were considering it.

  • observador

    I have read somewhere that the WT does not make their own ink for a long time now.

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