Do you read it?
Apostate Literature
by Honesty 15 Replies latest jw friends
I'm an addict and I don't want cured.
I find most of it is produced by other churches and I find it as mind-numbing as the Watchtower itself.
Do you read it?
Are you offerring any? I'll take whatever you have
Any recomendations? Not interrested in doctrine fine tuning nonsense (jesus freaks and the like). Something from an athiest perspective.
wha happened?
I have a few times. It's almost as fanciful as the WT
do I read The Watchtower, Awake! and other literature published by the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of... well, wherever they're printing from these days... e.g., probably THE most "apostate" literature on the planet today?
No. Vehemently, no. Absolutely not. It is poisonous "wormwood" and I left off drinking from that "trough" quite some time ago.
My husband is currently reviewing the latest version of the "Revelation! It's Grand Climax At Hand!" book, along with the pages setting forth the MYRIAD (and I do mean myriad) of changes they have made to it, so that he can respond to his brother (who gave it to him, with the words "You need to return to the fold"). He recently came to me, aghast at the latest (yeah, he stills gets surprised at their apostate rhetoric and propaganda!): it seems that the WTBTS is now telling the "other sheep" that they are to "bow down"... to the so-called "faithful and discreet slave"!
Bow down. Do you all hear me? BOW... DOWN... to... them!
Oh... my... God. Not even Michael, the FAITHFUL arkangel, sent by Christ to give John the Revelation, allowed himself to be bowed down to.
(Shaking head) The leaders of this VERY false prophet... and its false "christs"... are really showing their "underbelly" now. I can think of only one who wishes the sheep of God to bow down to him: our Adversary, the Devil. Even our Lord hasn't requested obeisance (although it has been granted to him and is his to have); rather, HE... "emptied himself out and took a slave's form." HE taught us that the one who wishes to be the GREATEST among us... must be the LEAST among us. HE said, "Do NOT take the seat down front that someone may come ask you to move to the back, shaming you, but take the seat at the BACK, and perhaps someone will request you to move to the front and honor you." HE taught us that we are to BE slaves... OF ONE ANOTHER... not be slaved TO... BY one another.
And now... they want obeisance. And they will get it, too, for Israel is a hard-headed, hard-hearted, stiff-necked people... who LOVE being misled.
Sigh! Hypocrites. My Lord rightly called them "offspring of vipers" because, like their father, they have not stood fast... in the Truth. And those who follow them, yet profess to belong to the Body of Christ, to be members of that Body, to be BRIDES of Christ, as their husbandly owner... are harlots. An adulterous generation.
"To the making of many books there is no end and much devotion to them is wearisome to the flesh."
May JAH have mercy on them... and on those who listen to... and follow... them. Blind guides, leading the blind... right into the pit.
May you all have peace.
A slave of Christ,
That was the apostate literature I was referring to, Aguest.
I don't know of any other that is as full of heresy as that which is produced by the Watchtower Society.
Bowing down to the "Faithful Slave" has been going on for decades.
The Borg is about to make it mandatory for all 'approved associates' of the "Faithful Slave" just so they can spot the dissenters a bit easier.