How many JW's are leaving the the org each year - is the figure rising?

by Must obey! 15 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • BlackPearl

    If they ever admit 1914 is wrong....there will be alot leaving. And that's a big "if".

  • WTWizard

    With all the hype they have been drumming up within the past 18 months, I am not surprised to find fewer of them leaving. They are playing that "The end is right at hand, don't leave now or you are about to miss out" card one last time. They have been pushing how the end was nigh since the theme of the 2006 Grand Boasting Session was "Our Deliverance Is At Hand. They promised to set off the Great Tribulation by placing that crapt about false religion (we all know how well that worked). They were spreading word about the Crapmorial, then the 2007 Grand Boasting Session. They kept having rumors that the end was within a month. So, with all that, I am not surprised to see people not leaving during the 2007 service year.

    The acid test is how many will leave during the 2008 service year. People have seen with their own eyes that Armageddon did not come when promised. The crapt did not set off the Great Tribulation. And now they have the pedophile scandal on NBC. For sure, a lot of doors they go to are going to be rubbing that in their faces. More than a few are going to have their doubts, and are going to walk out. And now they are making a big deal about oral sex. In upcoming Puketower magazine study articles, they are going to discuss more about sacrificing one's life to become full time God machines, and that you should have faith that Jehovah will answer you based on a few isolated Bible cases where He answered prayers (without telling them that He answered them because His selfish agenda was threatened). There is a lot of reason for people to leave during the 2008 service year.

    I hope they all do leave.

  • jayhawk1

    There is reason to believe Watchtower is about 6 to 8 years from having a significant exodus. The aftermath of nothing happening between now and 2014 will open the eyes of any with doubts.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    I think between now and 2014 we will see lot's of new spins on 1914. Especially as we get down to a few known living centurions we might see a bump up as the last of the generation fades out. The GB may spin that remnant disappearing to cover their asses.

  • fresia

    There's been around 3million left over 25yrs, and hundreds leave bethel each year just in Australia, but weather they all leave the truth don't know, but some have.

    You don't here them encouraging not having babies any more like they used to back in the seventies. The biggest growth now is those bought up and born in the org, and they are encouraged to get baptized earlier than previous years and to make pioneering a career.

    I have also noticed that the elders are getting younger and younger, some I find are useless when it comes to empathy and communication one on one, even the older ones in their forties are suss, they just don't have any communication skills.

    And of course the women do most of the witnessing and there are more older single women than ever before, these ones are single not by choice but because there are no brothers, its sad, all their lives with no one, no children, its very sad.

  • SirNose586

    Yes, I'm curious to see what the outcome of next year will be. This new mag might just be the thing to turn off dubs with doubts. Upcoming scandal might thin the herd a little, too...

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