Michigan Snow

by BlackSwan of Memphis 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • BlackSwan of Memphis
    BlackSwan of Memphis

    Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

    And I said it wouldn't snow...

  • Mary

    Yep, we're getting walluped around here today with that same storm:

    "Significant blowing snow is expected to be a problem in all regions as strong northeast winds gusting to 70 or 80 km/h whip up the freshly fallen snow and cause whiteout conditions," Environment Canada said on its website. Southwestern Ontario will experience the worst of the storm Sunday night as the system intensifies. "The highest snowfall amounts may be around the west end of Lake Ontario into the Hamilton, Burlington and Niagara areas where very strong and cold northeasterly winds picking up extra moisture from Lake Ontario will help enhance snowfall amounts, with 30 to 40 cm quite possible by Sunday night," Environment Canada said.


  • BlackSwan of Memphis
    BlackSwan of Memphis

    Yeppers. Looks like you're getting worse than us.

    Isn't this FUN!

    The younger daughter keeps bouncing around the house waiting for us to get brave and our butts off the couches and go outside to play.

    there was a time......a long long time ago....I would have been thrilled at the snow. Now I want to move to TX.

  • Mary
    there was a time......a long long time ago....I would have been thrilled at the snow. Now I want to move to TX.

    Hey---at least you CAN move somewhere warm! That's not an option up here!

  • WTWizard

    One good thing is that they won't be having any of those damn boasting sessions if that snow actually
    sticks around long enough. Around here, there is nothing more than about 3" of ice-laden snow and
    sleet that probably won't be enough to cancel anything.

    Just hope for a white Christmas.

  • BlackSwan of Memphis
    BlackSwan of Memphis

    Hey---at least you CAN move somewhere warm! That's not an option up here!

    If you can make it down here, we can hide you under a blanket in the back


    damn boasting sessions if that snow actually
    sticks around long enough. Around here, there is nothing more than about 3" of ice-laden snow and
    sleet that probably won't be enough to cancel anything.

    Just hope for a white Christmas.

    I don't know, I could make do with a sandy Christmas

  • delilah

    Snickers at Mary ....have you shovelled out yet??? I did...made a trip to the grocery store earlier....(forgot dog food)....poor doggie . I shovelled out, and by the time I got back, had to do it all over again!! It's refreshing tho', I love it.Maybe we'll have a white Christmas after all????

    Just sit back Mary, pour yourself a little snifter of Brandy, or Grand Marnier...or in my case, a dram of good Scotch...sip, ahhhh...that's better.

  • nomoreguilt

    Also in michigan. Got my trusty global warming thrower out already, I waited till about 11:00 to do it. We have about 8 inches here. For those of you in michigan, you can pm me anytime. My wife and I would like to meet those on the board here in michigan. Anynomity always appreciated.

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    Ah, nothing on this side of the pond yet (not where I am anyway lol!) it's just cold and frosty with freezing fog in the mornings. The last time we had a proper white Christmas was 11 years ago and even that was only about 2 feet deep, not like we used to get

    So still we sing "I'm dreaming of a white Christmas..."

  • SickofLies

    Ya I'm pretty much snowed in right now. It's gonna be hell trying to get to work tomorrow.


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