Today's Boston Tea Party event DEC 16 - MONEY BOMB!

by What-A-Coincidence 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • BurnTheShips

    Dude, I am registering Republican just to vote for this guy in my state's primary.

  • Robdar


    ~Ron Paul in '08~

  • Robert K Stock
    Robert K Stock

    As of 9:31PM Central Time Ron Paul's fundraising total for the 4th quarter was $16,964,000.00

    Keep it coming!

  • Jourles

    I'm making my donation here in just a few. I'm wondering if some folks are waiting also to make a huge spike in the graph below just before midnight... (~$5.8 million so far at time of posting with half an hour to go)

  • Jourles

    Looks like a 1 day record - $6M and change. His site is getting HAMMERED right now. It takes forever for the main page to load.

  • Jourles

    WAC pm'd me to say he was out of posts. I just had to reply:

    It's because you're one of those damn RP spammers!! Ya damn Paulbot!


    Let's see....hmm, it seems I have 69 posts left that I can use.

    Remember WAC -- quality, not quantity. LOL!

  • exjdub

    I am changing my party affiliation this week from Independent to Republican so I can vote for Ron Paul. I also will be contributing to his campaign after Christmas.

    For Florida voters: Florida is a closed primary state, which means you have to be listed as either a Democrat or Republican to vote in that party's primary. If you want to vote for Ron Paul you have to change party affiliation to Republican with the Supervisor of Elections by December 31, 2007.

    I was not going to vote this presidential election because I was so disgusted with the same 'ol, same 'ol, until I started investigating Ron Paul's positions. I feel this election is the most important election in my lifetime that his election is essential for our country. I hope the money and support continues to come Ron Pauls way!


  • exjdub


  • BrentR
  • freydi

    Does anybody think that "Man of the Year" was prophetic?

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