A gradual decline or sudden collapse for the WTS?

by DT 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • besty

    the point is that the makeup of the membership is in constant flux

    +300,000 -100,000 every year (give or take)

    that means the rank and file are 'never' worn out with soon,soon,soon

    because its a different rank and file every year - yes there is an ageing hardcore who will never say die (until perhaps their last breath, when they expect to wake up in Paradise with their next breath)

    churn is the friend of the WTS as much as its the enemy of a normal business.

  • Robert7

    Isn't churn a bad thing? It lowers the potential numbers with the losses, plus you have more and more people against the faith creating even more people to leave. Imagine how large the group would be if over the last 20+ years the numbers lost were much lower. I would love to see those stats.

  • besty

    Hi Robert7 - welcome to JWD

    Yes zero churn would be a good thing in a normal business, or for that matter for the WTS.

    However when you are promising the end of the world and paradise to follow over a period of many decades then zero churn is unrealistic - an interesting concept given the nature of the promise being made :-)

    So an ever-changing membership is a viable compromise - a continuous stream of new (or recent, or longterm hardcore) members will serve the purpose almost as well as swelling the ranks with no attrition.

  • DT

    I just wanted to bump this because I think it relates to some of the thoughts on this thread http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/12/150690/1.ashx on News from the Mother ship. Does anyone have some ideas on how to take advantage of possible, unexpected events in the WTS leadership.

  • badboy


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