Yay! I'm going to my 'judicial' meeting!

by mavie 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • penny2

    I can see it's going to be an interesting meeting. You've lost the fear and that enables you to speak your mind.

  • erandir

    Sweet response, mavie. They need to know it is not acceptible to ask personal questions unless they are willing to field a few themselves.

  • The Lone Ranger
    The Lone Ranger

    Some Men in Power get there kicks asking personal questions so they can hear some ‘juicy’ story from young girls or women, they don’t count on the emotional harm they are doing to her. So if they start to ask questions about your personal life and morals, don’t be too afraid to say “that’s none of your business”. And getting a tape recorder or a pocket MP3 player with record functions isn’t a bad idea. It won’t help any, but just for your own keep.

  • The Lone Ranger
    The Lone Ranger

    And if they really piss you off, just get up and leave.

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge

    Do you think wearing a priest's collar might be too "over-the-top" ..... just a thought

  • MissingLink

    You could definitly have fun with it. My goal would be to get at least one of the elders to laugh. Tell them ever since you were a kid you fantisized about (make up something GRAPHIC and use dirty language) with Smurfette. Tell them this demon temptress seduced you. Then move on to midgets (because they remind you of smurfs) etc...

    Go out with a laugh.

    Sleazy Smurfette

    Show them this picture and say - "Who wouldn't want to smurf that! Smurf yea!"

  • OnTheWayOut

    If I ever have one, I plan to be a thorn in their side.

    I will start by placing a tape recorder on the table.
    "Brother OTWO, you cannot record the meeting."

    "I saw no information in any WT's against it."

    "You know it's in the [Elder's Manual]." (I am a former elder)

    "No, I no longer have one of those. Can I see that information now
    before we proceed?"

    (After a long drawn-out battle, I will put the recorder away and take out my
    "Alright, if I cannot record, we will have to go slow so I can keep up with my

    (After another long drawn-out battle over taking notes, they will either let me
    take them, or we won't proceed. The whole process will go this way.)

    Eventually, they will try to get me to admit things. I will say things along the
    lines of, "What evidence do you have to suggest that? There is no proof of that.
    I don't have any confessions for you. If you don't have two credible witnesses,
    why would you accuse me of such things?"

  • Octarine Prince
    Octarine Prince

    This is going to be a good one.

    Keep the forum advised.

    They always ask about recording devices, but they haven't reached the point where they search you or use Sharper Image technological devices to scan you.


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