My response:
Hi Elder 1,
Thank you for the clarification. I will just use the copy of the Flock book that is available to me with updates through 2006. I was hoping to see a newer copy.
Is there any chance my questions will be answered? I hope that they are as the answers will affect my personal faith immensely.
For example, why do WT publications continually misquote prominent scientists to support their position? Are there no scientists who do support it? The frequency and nature of the misquotes and misrepresentations cannot be chalked up to imperfect humans.
Some of those the WT have misquoted have noticed this and exposed it in subsequent works. Both scientists mentioned in my previous email have done so.
Please, do you have nothing to say about this? I found it embarrassing to continue to support a belief system that seems to collapse at the first hurdle, sincere questions coupled with critical examination. For a religion that prides itself on teaching people the truth and drawing others out with questions, why is a simple question like this ignored?
Your silence speaks volumes.
My response to an Elder!
by mavie 28 Replies latest jw friends
Thanks searcher. Can a mod please remove the link from his post though? We know that the WT monitors this site.
Gracias. -
Marking for reference, excellent points about scientific quotes out of context.
O my GOD!! What to do! He played the Bible card! He knows I'm in cahoots with apostates!!!!!!
This will by my last email response to you. I have no desire to respond to your "questions" by email. It is obvious that you are in contact with and getting advice and direction from those who disagree with Jehovah's Witnesses. It is also obvious that you have doubts about the existence of God, faith in the Bible and the need to live by Bible standards. The primary purpose of the meeting is to restore you. As Jude 17-23 states:
"As for YOU, beloved ones, call to mind the sayings that have been previously spoken by the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ, how they used to say to YOU: "In the last time there will be ridiculers, proceeding according to their own desires for ungodly things." These are the ones that make separations, animalistic [men], not having spirituality. But YOU, beloved ones, by building up yourselves on YOUR most holy faith, and praying with holy spirit, keep yourselves in God’s love, while YOU are waiting for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ with everlasting life in view. Also, continue showing mercy to some that have doubts; save [them] by snatching [them] out of the fire. But continue showing mercy to others, doing so with fear, while YOU hate even the inner garment that has been stained by the flesh."
We look forward to seeing you on December xxxx at 8:00 A.M. -
The primary purpose of the meeting is to restore you
I would respond to this to him; quote a scripture about lying and say you have no desire to deal with someone who is lying to you.
Great idea Tuesday. He is hiding behind the Bible.
I have no desire to respond to your "questions" by email.
"I appreciate that and am glad that with that statement you clarify that you WILL respond to these questions 'in person' during our visit.
After your response to my questions, then and only then can you start your restoration process. Thank You."
Well, this would be my answer. Your mileage may vary. Good Luck.
'Do you believe that this is God's spirit directed organization?' hats why Im asking you these questions, so that i can determine that.