Stilla, I do remember that! I was counseled about my humor on the platform with that as a source.
I LOVE Candid Camera!!! Or anything like that.
by minimus 66 Replies latest jw friends
Stilla, I do remember that! I was counseled about my humor on the platform with that as a source.
I LOVE Candid Camera!!! Or anything like that.
My wife and I have a twisted, demented, dark , quirky, unsophisticated , yet witty way of spouting humor. Mrs. Flipper's humor is a bit darker than mine, but we both loved Borat ! So, that kind of tells you how we roll ! Mr. Flipper liked Dumb and Dumber also . Generally I think we are a kick in the a$$ to be around , once ya get to know us ! But neither one of us uses mean or insulting, or hurtful humor
It all depends on my mood. I can be very goofy and I can also be sarcastic, but usually not at the same time...
Overall, in person I am seen as funny.
Im told im very sarcastic but i cant see it myself.And it's slightly dirty, ok very.
hey minimus - I assume you have seen Brookes thread and what a truly disgusting sense of humor she has - I am shocked and so disgusted I may not post on this board for a few hours - truly wicked
So How do you describe this?
We had a much loved relative staying with us, for several months. For some reason they thought they could cook....not
They continually made dishes that everyone gagged on.
One was Humous, that my husband called went on and on. Another one was Tobulee which my husband named Pitoowee.
One night I was sitting at the pool with the lights out, in tears because I saw the eggplants purchased and knew another dish was coming the following day. My dear husband listened and went back inside. He suddenly came back and I hear a huge splash in the middle of the pool...and he told me the eggplants are gone!
He was always able to make me laugh, but never so hard to hear that kerplunk in the pool. Turns out he just used a shoe to make the noise but relieved my misery to no end. I must of laughed for 20 minutes.
I like irreverent humour like Aristophanes. poking fun at pomposity in all it's forms. i love wacky offbeat humour .Also ironic humour.i enjoy
Humour can be very revealing about the target and the teller. Why do you think the wts never told Jokes and the dictators seem to be usually without out. If people can not laugh at themselves they have not found themselves -wow is that profound - almost
Princess Daisy Boo, I know what you mean about biting your tongue, but sometimes things slip out that I wish hadn't.
For example, there was a young man in our town who killed his wife Liz. He panicked and put her body on the train tracks and as you can imagine, her head and legs were cut off by the next train. Our family knew this couple. A few months later, I was at my brother's house and his daughter's headless, legless Barbie was on the table. "Look" I said, "It's a Liz doll!" There was stunned silence for a few seconds, then everyone burst out laughing. It was awful, I know, but we sometimes have a black sense of humor. They still tease me about it and I think I still blush.
Crafty Lady
What do you mean by funny!? Are you trying to make fun of me!? ...was he making fun of me? Weirdo!
hey minimus - I assume you have seen Brookes thread and what a truly disgusting sense of humor she has - I am shocked and so disgusted I may not post on this board for a few hours - truly wicked
I wouldn't say it was disgusting. I'm just naughty and you know you love it.