Front page of Watchtower's website
by Cindi_67 19 Replies latest jw experiences
nelly136 covers situations like this (posted by gman)
and perhaps they have a few practising jws due for release maybe?
The WTS is scrounging for converts wherever they can be found. Perhaps they believe prisoners are, in general, less educated than the general population and eager to find a discipline system to follow, so they can find people who will fit right in (once released) with the JW population.
drew sagan
That is quite an old article!
I remember going door to door 3-4 years ago when that article was on the cover. One old lady was very angry about it, yelled at my friend who was offering it. She was old and seemed a little bit spaced out. I think she had been watching a lot of TV and was all fired up about some crime story hot in the news at the time. That was my guess to why she blew up on my friend.
Do you all think it might be related to all this scandal about having pedophiles within the congregations? I mean those who have already been in jail, but have studied with the witnesses and then reincurred in the bad doing.
I remember when there was an inofficial report about a man on the death row that studied and became a JW. He was executed despite of this. I remember a prominent elder in Germany who could not read this story to the end to the CBS group because he had to cry. Today, I think the prisioner deserved it.
"He was executed despite of this" - Maybe it was BECAUSE of this! ;) Forward thinking Germans.
I'm surprised that they would do such a story. Recently in WA state, a man was convicted of murder and rape. He was formerly in prison for rape, but had been granted early parole on the basis of his conversion to JWs, and the enthusiastic statements in support of his newfound faith and religion. Within months or weeks of his release, he raped some women and then killed (I think two?) women. I am not thinking much of religious conversion in prison in general, but certainly not when used to get out of paying for ones crimes.
Wordly Andre
geesh, be careful answering your door, who know who could be knocking on your door!
AK - Jeff
I made several visits to a correctional facility for women here in Indiana. The visiting hours were limited to a few hours on Wed afternoon each week. The line would form a little before hours to gain entrance [quite an ordeal by the way]. Each time I was there, half the line were Jw's. They would enter the prison visitation area and just wait for prisoners to sit and study with them. Of course the prisoners are lonely and would often 'study', for someone to talk to.
The Jw's would often sit the entire time without a taker [they were not allowed to approach the girls or touch them]. Many of them would be actively busy 'preaching'. Funny thing how the rest of us could not bring in anything but our ID card and the clothes on our back, yet the prison allowed them to bring in Bibles and study materials. I did not see any other churches doing this, but perhaps they did. It looked like the same pioneer women each week. I bet they racked up the hours between studies and rv's and letters to follow up.
One good thing is that most prisoners who claim a conversion while behind bars do not follow up once they are out. Our congregation carried on a prison ministry for a time for a halfway house locally, and in spite of the promises, those that were released into our area never attended a meeting that I saw.