Here's a suggestion: at this potluck, start saying to everyone in the room "you know, we ought to do something different next year. I know this is wonderful, getting together like this, but why don't we all ...(whatever it is that would be more fun for you) next year?" Or, start saying firmly right after Thanksgiving "no potluck for me this year. I have to watch my (healty, diet, sodium levels, whatever)."
I hate Pot Luck
by Nosferatu 26 Replies latest jw friends
You could always put the "pot" back into potluck and bring some brownies.
I gave my wife heck for throwing out that open package of crackers that was sitting on top of the Microwave for the last couple of months. I could have brought that along with some leftover baby food that could've been used for dip.
Sounds like you have pretty refined taste there, Worldly. Good for you!
Things I've taken to pot lucks are potato salad, homemade pear cheesecake, veggie, cheese, cold cut, or fruit trays, Xmas ham, spinach salad, or lasagna.
All the pot lucks I've been to were always really good.
Maybe I'll go buy one of those discount, crunchy chickens that have been sitting under a heat lamp for six hours.
I suffered through a shit meal at Gluttons for our Xmas party, now I have to spend money for another goddam party? And I'm not even all that fond of my co-workers. Most of them are really boring people. -
My dependable potluck receipe is Meatballs (purchased ready made from Costco or Sams), in a sauce made of grape jelly and barbeque sauce. Sounds horrible, but I did a party where I had Brie in crust and Smoked Salmon, and the meatball thingie. Everybody raved over the meatball thingie. The Brie and Salmon remained uneaten. A better, but easy treat , onion tart. Frozen puff pastry, folded out and topped with Bacon, onions, and a good cheese ( Like manchego - a spanish cheese), then baked. Or you could weinie out and bring chips or soda, like most guys at these things.
I'm with LisaRose on this one. Cocktail meatballs... (meatballs, grape jelly and chili sauce). Can't go wrong with those.
Barbie Doll
Nosferatu---If I know you would be there, I would not eat the food. I bring Potato Salad or Cookies.
Alternatively, just don't go to it. I never attend work related parties of any kind. I don't enjoy them anyway. People don't talk to me about anything other than their computer problems anyway, so the parties are just a continuation of work without a continuation of the pay.
I'd rather go out for a nice dinner and enjoy some peace and quiet anyway.
Hmmm I usually bring lasagna, chicken enchiladas, homemade chili, fried chicken, cake, cookies......................... You couldn't convince me under any circumstances to bring something that wasn't homemade.