Witnesses have no right to criticize

by edmond dantes 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • edmond dantes
    edmond dantes

    It seems to me that the Borg has no right to criticize apparent wrongs in the world because their members are not allowed to take part in politics.For instance how can they call something in the worldly system wrong if they do not vote against it or do something constructive to change the status quo.

    It's no use them complaining about something they disagree with and at the same time opt out of the system .In other words, IT'S NOTHING TO WITH THEM so tell them to clear off and mind their own business and leave the worlds wrongs to people who are trying to do something constructive about it.

    Words in the Waktower will not cure anything, positive action gets things done .

    For heavens sake how much more ink are they going to waste and how many more trees are they going to destroy before they realise actions speak louder than words?

  • Gopher

    As long as there's a market for false hopes, the Watchtower will continue to waste reams of paper printing its nonsense.

    You are right, they have no right to comment on world conditions. Their message is that there's no hope of world conditions getting better, so people should just live for the Kingdom (according to the way prescribed by their "faithful and discreet slave"). So by telling people they should give up on this world, they are meddling in this world's affairs -- by trying to influence people to NOT work for the betterment of this world.

    They really need to shut up.

  • hillbilly

    I always liked the local elder from a lakefront Michican town who missed the Thursday meeting now and then.

    Reason: he was a $$$real estate developer and needed to go get zoning issues taken care of at Township Board meetings. Politics at it's finest, grass-roots level involvement. He'd get a little pissy when I'd ask him why he just didnt let old JAY-hooba take care of things.


  • Hortensia

    I agree with you. when I first left the org., I didn't think about it much, but now, years later, I can see that it is really reprehensible that they won't participate in a citizen's duties but they will take advantage of all a citizen's benefits and entitlements. If you aren't willing to pay taxes, WTBTS, and you won't let your members vote or do jury duty, then you don't have the right to criticize. Actually the doctrines of the WTBTS are a fine excuse for their members to opt out of any duty they owe to others - makes them greedy and lazy.

  • VoidEater

    That struck me in the early 70's - if you're gonna decry the state of the world, and demonize those that try to help it, why aren't you in the fray holding a brighter light and a better banner? It's like a doctor seeing a wound that walking past, saying that God will take care of it when he's good and ready, but it has nothing to do with me!

    I wonder how much the WTS tried to influence the process in Mexico that led to religious organizations having the ability to own property again? Or did they just take advantage of that change when it happily occurred?

  • AudeSapere

    I think it's the exact same thinking that allows them to accept blood factions but forbids them from contributing to the community blood supply.


  • DaCheech

    there's probalby 7 witnesses in my hall: in which have filed for permanent diability, and pioneering.(like their backs don't hurt going house to house).

    they will use the world to get the most $$$$$$$44, while decrying it at the same time!!!

  • Burger Time
    Burger Time

    My Mom has always used the logic, "what do I care about it?" when I try to discuss politics. She rarely criticizes aside from the usual, "you can tell this old system of things is about to crumble".

  • VoidEater

    you can tell this old system of things is about to crumble

    ...and yet here we are. My dad says this all the time - all I can tell is that we're still struggling along. I think his view that it's about to come crashing down is much more tied in with his family of origin, how they treated him, and how it instilled a sense of impending doom within his psyche.

  • chickpea

    now that i have come to my senses and actually shredded my "advanced medical directive", i believe that is the one thing about which i am most giddy with anticipation ..... political activism....

    my best mate for 10 years, a "wordly" i never gave up, despite criticism from the BOE, is VERY active and inspires me.... i am very looking forward !!!

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