Hello All,
It's been a while since I've started a post. Some of you may remember me. I'm writing tonight because I feel like such an outsider at Christmas sometimes. I find that at big Christmas parties I feel like I don't fit in. I'm always afraid I will blow it if there is a sing-a-long. I don't always understand the rules of Secret Santa or Gift Exchange, so I hesitate to participate, and then usually don't. There are so many things I never grew up with that people take for granted. Some things I don't think I will ever understand.
I'm an atheist who celebrates the secular holiday of Christmas. In our office we adopted a family. I was one of the first to take a tag from the tree and return with a well thought out gift. Maybe it's because it was a chance to give a young child the Christmas gift I never had as a child. The deadline for our adoption is now upon us, and there are still 5 tags remaining on the tree. Some people in our office, who make the highest salaries in the whole organization, and who are very vocal about their fundamental religious beliefs, didn't participate. But they decorate their office, eat the Christmas goodies others bring in, etc. Knowing that they wouldn't volunteer, some of us donated some extra money to our Admin. Assistant, who was going to go out shopping tonight to get these remaining items that nobody else would take responsibility for. I just don't get this.
Today we had a luncheon where all of our managers cooked homemade pasta and served it to the employees. These are the same managers that treat us like crap the rest of the year. Like Bob Cratchet, who was taken a back at Scrooge appearing at his door, I too was leery. What good is it to treat us nicely one day and then go back to being mean and miserly the rest of the year? In good conscience, I just couldn't eat their food. I skipped the luncheon and only showed up for the mandatory meeting. But I just don't get this.
I don't participate in the gift exchange not only because the rules about drawing numbers, picking, and swapping make no sense, but also because I thought the purpose was to give the person something meaningful. I just don't get this either.
Sometimes during Christmas I feel like the odd swan.