who said you can't?
Is it ALWAYS wrong to call an idiot an 'IDIOT'?!
by nicolaou 18 Replies latest jw friends
It depends. Is it a sensitive idiot?
Not unless the person calling cries "foul" when it is re-directed back toward them. If you cant stand the heat coming back to you, then dont dish it out.
Awakened, you got right inside my head mate.
It is best not to resort to name calling. We all do sometimes, but it is better to stick to describing behavior. On this point, I agree with that masked man who posted previously.
While I don't recall the precise definition of "idiot," I think it is related to very low IQ, between imbecile and moron. "Idio" means something like "unique," out there on a limb somewhere so to speak. An idiolect, for example, is a language or way of speaking peculiar to an individual.
Am I an idiot if I behave like one? Am I a monkey if I climb a tree for a banana?
Enough analysis.
yes it is u why be rude?
U can not call someone an idiot and expect them to get it the two are mutually exclusive usually
Regards llbh
Is it ALWAYS wrong to call an idiot an 'IDIOT'?!
Well, if you do, the secret service, may tackle you...
:Is it ALWAYS wrong to call an idiot an 'IDIOT'?!
No, it is seldom wrong to do that. However, at times "braindead moron loser" is a better choice.
i dont suffer fools lightly............... but most of the time they are the bosses............
hell i didnt vote for the current idiot.................. so um nah i think its perfectly ok to call a spade a spade