Just out of intertest , thought I'd start a discussion on the nature of man/woman i.e is there a dichotomy between spirit and body or are we the sum of all these parts i.e body + spirit + mind and also what is the intermediate state of spirit and soul between between death and resurrection ? And if there is a dichotomy between body and spirit , at what point does the spirit enter the body prior to birth?...
by Raphael 10 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
There is no soul. If humans had perfect soul that powered "software" of our brains then we would not have mental illnesses because functioning of the brain would be subject to that perfect internal force. Likewise, we would possibly not even need sleep. Did you know it is actually our brain that needs sleep the most not our bodies?! Body. unless is overworked. would happily continue but brain shuts down which is clear reflection of very down to earth mechanisms behind brain's functioning i.e. simply biological.
Hi Rafael (My name ;-)). I 'll take a stab at your question using how Christian tradition has historically answered these issues.
is there a dichotomy between spirit and body or are we the sum of all these parts i.e body + spirit + mind
We are a sum of the parts you describe. The human soul is joined to the body, this is its natural state, for it to be separated from it is against its nature. (Thomas Aquinas)
what is the intermediate state of spirit and soul between between death and resurrection ?
It can be in the place where God is, or it can be in the place where God is not. If it is not yet ready for the presence of God but however has not chosen the void then it is in a third place in preparation to join with God.
And if there is a dichotomy between body and spirit , at what point does the spirit enter the body prior to birth?...
That is a good question. In old times, it was commonly thought to be at the "quickening", the first time a mother felt her child move in her womb. The general Christian position is the one enunciated by Tertullian in the 2nd century: "Now we allow that life begins with conception because we contend that the soul also begins from conception; life taking its commencement at the same moment and place that the soul does"
Zagor, I think this is a false dilemma. If their is a soul, and it is intimately married to the body, then the one affects the other. I think we are more than just biology.
Thanks for your answers guys, I think there is truth in both your points of view , It seems logical that the spirit and body are configured or hard wired for want of a better expression at the moment of conception and for me that would mean interdependent in every way (perhaps this is what David meant when he spoke of all his parts being "knit together "in his mothers womb) ?
So can the spirit be concious without the body or a body ? I think not , I say this because it seems they are interdependent , the spirit could be likened to the essence of our being, however it requires the body as a vehicle, through which to find expression, so in other words my body is the physical reflection of my spirit and working together they make me a living soul - so my body and spirit are intrinsic to one another by their very nature , one cannot exist without the other - any thoughts ?
And adding to that , the earthly nature of my body is obviously required in order for me to experience life on this physical plane of existence.
hot wired
Hardwired, maybe?
yeah , thanks - meant hard wired ;-)
Just out of intertest , thought I'd start a discussion on the nature of man/woman i.e is there a dichotomy between spirit and body or are we the sum of all these parts i.e body + spirit + mind and also what is the intermediate state of spirit and soul between between death and resurrection ? And if there is a dichotomy between body and spirit , at what point does the spirit enter the body prior to birth?...
I'm a strict monist. There is no duality, humans are purely biological. The mind is entirely a function of the physical brain, and there is no such thing as a spirit. Changes to the brain - physical or chemical alterations - have a corresponding effect on the mind. Destruction of the brain appears in every measurable way to result in destruction of the mind.
Thanks FD, I would have to agree with you entirely if we are simply a product of evolution, howevr I am a creationist although believe that God is the source of various evolutionary processes , particularly in relation to the animal and floral kingdoms and has endowed humans with the ability to adapt to various environments etc - although this could be developed further in another discussion
I'd love to bash FD, but history is full of really cool monists. ;-)